Checking In
I thought I should post at least a little something this week, lest you all think I've gone and had the baby or was in some sort of chocolate-peanut butter induced coma. No baby yet, and I've given up my precious chocolate for Lent, so they'll be none of that for a while. (My preeeccciousssss!!)
I am 35 weeks along, and so far, so good. Baby is head down, or at least this was the consensus between at least two of the midwives I see, and since I can feel and see the little heels of the wee one scraping along the inner wall of the topmost portion of my belly (yes, it's just like those Alien movie, just not as scary) I know that they most likely speak the truth. I am walking like I've got an anvil hanging from a rope tied 'round my waist, swinging between my legs, and that's kind of what it feels like. I am intermittently happy and grumpy, both bursting with excitement to meet this child and still wishing I had another 5 months to prepare for her arrival.
Ernesto and I are placing bets on baby's arrival. Haven't agreed on a prize yet, but I think it should be something good. He's guessing March 25th and I'm guessing the 30th. Mostly because if I go into April and still haven't had her I will have gone completely insane and no one will be getting a prize anyway. Of course I am not due until April 6th, so this is all wishful thinking on both our parts. With David I went 5 days past my due date and with Sofia it was 2 days prior. So who knows?
We're still working on a girl's middle name, so if anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them! My friend Alyssa has recommended the name Alyssa. It certainly is much better than Deefer.
My apologies to anyone named Deefer.
I am 35 weeks along, and so far, so good. Baby is head down, or at least this was the consensus between at least two of the midwives I see, and since I can feel and see the little heels of the wee one scraping along the inner wall of the topmost portion of my belly (yes, it's just like those Alien movie, just not as scary) I know that they most likely speak the truth. I am walking like I've got an anvil hanging from a rope tied 'round my waist, swinging between my legs, and that's kind of what it feels like. I am intermittently happy and grumpy, both bursting with excitement to meet this child and still wishing I had another 5 months to prepare for her arrival.
Ernesto and I are placing bets on baby's arrival. Haven't agreed on a prize yet, but I think it should be something good. He's guessing March 25th and I'm guessing the 30th. Mostly because if I go into April and still haven't had her I will have gone completely insane and no one will be getting a prize anyway. Of course I am not due until April 6th, so this is all wishful thinking on both our parts. With David I went 5 days past my due date and with Sofia it was 2 days prior. So who knows?
We're still working on a girl's middle name, so if anyone has any suggestions, I'd love to hear them! My friend Alyssa has recommended the name Alyssa. It certainly is much better than Deefer.
My apologies to anyone named Deefer.
At 7:06 PM,
Alyssa said…
I also suggested Deefer which is a perfectly acceptable name! I shall name my anniversary goat Deefer.
At 9:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
Glad to hear you're keeping semi-sane amongst the fun that is the last trimester.
I like the name Alyssa. Of course, one of my two sisters is named Alyssa, so I'm a bit biased. ;-)
Deefer, though,... can't say I've ever heard that one!
At 6:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Kristen! I can't believe how long it's been since we've seen each other. I am hoping that will change this week! I, too, have the anvil hanging down look and feel. I hear you about the back and forth about wishing the baby were here and wishing for several more months to prepare. I think I change my mind by the hour. I miss you and can't wait to see that beautiful belly! As for a middle name, we are still working on ours, too. We have decided against Thor, though, so feel free!
At 2:44 PM,
HLiza said…
Fancy the name Liza? Ha ha ha..
I feel like time is not enough too now. Mine is due on April 11 th but a lot of my friends want it to happen on AprilFool Day..naughty! Both my kids were earleir by a week though..
At 6:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
Melissa is a fabulous name. Alyssa Melissa?
My daughter has two middle names - after both her great-grandmothers. It seems clunky but it actually sounds nice.
Deefer sounds like reefer which is just comical.
Glad you're feeling well. I bow to your ability to give up chocolate.
At 10:02 PM,
Kristen said…
Lyss- I will gladly buy you the anniversary goat. I think it's a great idea. You can name him Deefer, along with your new baby!
Scott- Yes, Deefer was new to me, too.
Mo- Hang in there, not much further now! I like Thor. Maybe I will rename David that.
Liza- I'm curious now to see which of us will go first!
Melissa- How about Alyssa Melissa Clarissa? What, too much? Yes, I could only think of Reefer when I heard that name as well. I'm sure that kid would have all kinds of fun nicknames.
At 3:45 AM,
Idaho Dad said…
Glad to hear you're doing well.
I always liked one-syllable middle names, if the first name is multiple syllable. Like Rose, Grace, Anne, Sue, Mae, Elle, etc.
My son's middle name came from where he was created. No, it's not Honda.
At 7:16 AM,
Kristen said…
Phil- I'm also partial to the one syllable middle name...Grace is a contender for sure, and my husband likes Anne, but that's mine and I'd like her to have something different. Watch it turn out to be a boy and we'll have to start all over!
At 5:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
I would be careful of the name "Grace" because there is a chance that she won't be graceful or maybe she won't show much grace later in life. Then people will says things to her like, "How ironic that your name doesn't fit you. Ha ha ha."
Well, since your husband likes Anne (which I also like), how about "Anna"? Two-syllable names are better than one-syllable names because . . . they just are.
Also, Chief Justice Anna Burden of the U.S. Supreme Court sounds better than Chief Justice Anne Burden. In fact, Anne Burden sounds like the name for a romance novelist or the name of a store that sells quilting supplies.
What else . . . Well, I think that's it for me today. ;)
P.S. I even forgot that you were pregnant. How time flies!
At 11:59 AM,
Girl con Queso said…
Whoohoo! I just found you, and I'm so glad I did. Hi. First of all, congratulations. Secondly, Queso is a great name.
At 9:50 PM,
Kristen said…
Michael- Hmm...good points, though we're only considering middle names right now as we've chosen her first name. Three sturdy syllables. And funny you should mention it because we have an Ana Burden in the family already...
Queso- Now, that name's kind of cheesy, don't you think? ;> Thanks for stopping by! Hasta pronto!
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