And So It Begins
I'm not dead, nor have I gone missing. I haven't been blogging, but not for any reason other than I just don't seem to be making time for it. I'm not quite ready to do away with it altogether, but I am sloooowing down. I am hunkering down. Not so much for a long, cold winter (mostly because the thermometer here in NH suggests something other than winter) but for the last three months of my pregnancy. I feel like I am finally realizing that yes, another child is indeed on the way. She's coming, ready or not and suddenly I'm thinking, oh... I'm not ready.
But of course I am. Ready as I'll ever be, anyway. As ready as I was for one and two. But this time, instead of finding myself folding baby clothes and washing blankets, preparing all the baby "gear", I find myself installing new knobs on the kitchen cabinets and re-arranging furniture and pictures throughout the house. Wondering how long it would take me to build a storage bench for the living room.
I have no idea what I'm doing, but maybe I'm having a feng shui baby and this is how she would like me to prepare for her homecoming. Or maybe I've been reading too much "Real Simple". Maybe I'm avoiding getting ready all the baby stuff because I'm a born procrastinator and find putting things off as natural as breathing. They're all likely scenarios.
Anyway, all seven of you who read my blog can probably anticipate sporadic postings from me, and more pictures as I find less and less time to actually write. I imagine once the baby comes I will just redirect you to Ernesto's site, as he will most likely have frequent short posts and lots of baby footage. I will be the tired but happy one holding the little munchkin. Betting will begin in March as to what color hair this child will have and how many weeks will pass before we break down and buy a minivan. Not that we'll be going anywhere for a while.
So bear with me folks. I'm heading into the home stretch and the longest (and shortest) three months of this year. G'night!
Doh. I just realized no one is here to help me out of this stupid chair.
But of course I am. Ready as I'll ever be, anyway. As ready as I was for one and two. But this time, instead of finding myself folding baby clothes and washing blankets, preparing all the baby "gear", I find myself installing new knobs on the kitchen cabinets and re-arranging furniture and pictures throughout the house. Wondering how long it would take me to build a storage bench for the living room.
I have no idea what I'm doing, but maybe I'm having a feng shui baby and this is how she would like me to prepare for her homecoming. Or maybe I've been reading too much "Real Simple". Maybe I'm avoiding getting ready all the baby stuff because I'm a born procrastinator and find putting things off as natural as breathing. They're all likely scenarios.
Anyway, all seven of you who read my blog can probably anticipate sporadic postings from me, and more pictures as I find less and less time to actually write. I imagine once the baby comes I will just redirect you to Ernesto's site, as he will most likely have frequent short posts and lots of baby footage. I will be the tired but happy one holding the little munchkin. Betting will begin in March as to what color hair this child will have and how many weeks will pass before we break down and buy a minivan. Not that we'll be going anywhere for a while.
So bear with me folks. I'm heading into the home stretch and the longest (and shortest) three months of this year. G'night!
Doh. I just realized no one is here to help me out of this stupid chair.
At 7:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
I know I've razzed you guys about twins before, but your mention of the van reminds me of our third pregnancy.
When we found out we were having a third, we were trying to figure out if three kidlets could fit in the back seat in some way (given car seat regulations). In the end we decided to sell a car and buy an Odyssey (which we still have) figuring "that'll keep us set for a while". Within months we found out about the expectation of twins. So mere months after buying that van, it was nearly full.
Then two year later, it was filled to capacity... and has been since.
There's rarely been any doubt about hair color in this house. All ten of my folks' grandchildren are blondes. I'd be thrilled to see a little brunette baby girl though... with Michelle's beautiful brown eyes. Unfortunately, we don't have that much control over the roll of the dice.
At 9:29 AM,
Anonymous said…
No one to help you out of the chair? Than KEEP WRITING! :)
I abandoned my "official" blog ages ago; now I just write snippets on my myspace blog space.
I say red hair again, like Sophia. Although bright red like hers is kind of rare...all it takes is one of Ernesto's "dark" genes to take over, really. Okay, I change my vote--dark! (Well that snap reversal didn't take long this time, did it?)
At 1:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
My best friend is pregnant with twins and due in March. I think of you when I talk with her! I for one will be happy to read Ernesto's updates - you get all the rest and remodeling and baby snuggles you need. :)
At 2:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, I'm going to be incredibly selfish and say that I will MISS your homey, humorous tidbits! I don't always take time to write back to tell you, but I always tell Ernie, when he calls, to pass on to you how much I enjoy them! (I enjoy Ernie's blog too, but it's not the same! Yours is very special and it always touches those maternal chords, way down deep! And it makes me smile, and sometimes chuckle out loud!) Please try to find a little can compose mentally while you're nursing and then just jot them out in the in-between times! I know I should feel terrible about asking, but I'm going to go into severe withdrawal if you stop writing all together!
At 5:56 PM,
Flea said…
I bought a van when bub 3 came along so there goes, go get one!! LOL
glad to see you back, where's my photo?? LOL again
At 7:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Please, write, write, write til you drop...or have you already dropped?
At 8:21 AM,
Alyssa said…
I suppose if I have to pick up your blogging slack, I will. But I can't say they'll all be winners. Just a couple of days ago I wrote 500+ words on how freaking excited I am to buy grown up furniture for my bedroom.
By the way, you need help with furniture assembly, just call. Deeps is really good at that flat pack assembly stuff. He speaks fluent pictogram instructions.
At 11:19 AM,
Anonymous said…
A feng shui baby...ha!
At 5:18 PM,
HLiza said…
I'm not into getting ready so much also..keep procastinating.
At 4:05 AM,
Idaho Dad said…
Good luck with everything. Hey, short posts are good. Save us time too!
At 1:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have a suggestion for you that could make for some easy baby gear shopping. My sister just registered for her baby shower online at It has made her life a lot easier. She found the greatest baby clothes, accessories and great selection of designers. It made it easy for friends and family shop for you and baby too!
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