Winter Wusses
My kids are not handling the snow all that well. Last year at this time you couldn't drag Sofia back inside after a day of frolicking in the fluffy white stuff. Now it takes 25 minutes to get her dressed to go outside and only 3 minutes to find her in the corner of the garage crying, "I'm coooolllldddd. I want to go innnnnnnn!!!"
David's not a whole lot better. He enjoys about 15 minutes of outdoor play and then the mittens get wet or he face-plants in a pile of snow and then he's done. We've had such a mild winter out here (thanks El Nino!) that this feels like it's coming out of nowhere for them. But to be fair, it has been unusually windy and kids just don't like wind in their faces, I guess unless it's coming at them as they fly down hill on a sled. No hills here, I'm afraid. We left them behind in Vermont, yet I gladly gave them up to live amongst people again.
But perhaps it's a blessing in disguise. Truth is, I don't particularly want to bring them outside and run around a whole lot myself, feeling the way I do. I'd much prefer to snuggle up in front of the fire, read books and drink hot chocolate. And I'm pretty much incapable of shoveling any snow, so hopefully this is about it for us. Apparently I can blame the snow goddess for this one. Maybe with her great universal powers she can make it so the snow doesn't actually accumulate on roads and driveways. Guess she didn't think of that.
Anyway, it was bound to happen and I'm just thankful I don't live in Western New York state. I think we can handle a foot or two of snow. Eleven is kind of pushing it.
Happy belated Valentine's Day! My thoughtful husband got me some delicious gourmet strawberries dipped in chocolate. He knows me all too well.
David's not a whole lot better. He enjoys about 15 minutes of outdoor play and then the mittens get wet or he face-plants in a pile of snow and then he's done. We've had such a mild winter out here (thanks El Nino!) that this feels like it's coming out of nowhere for them. But to be fair, it has been unusually windy and kids just don't like wind in their faces, I guess unless it's coming at them as they fly down hill on a sled. No hills here, I'm afraid. We left them behind in Vermont, yet I gladly gave them up to live amongst people again.
But perhaps it's a blessing in disguise. Truth is, I don't particularly want to bring them outside and run around a whole lot myself, feeling the way I do. I'd much prefer to snuggle up in front of the fire, read books and drink hot chocolate. And I'm pretty much incapable of shoveling any snow, so hopefully this is about it for us. Apparently I can blame the snow goddess for this one. Maybe with her great universal powers she can make it so the snow doesn't actually accumulate on roads and driveways. Guess she didn't think of that.
Anyway, it was bound to happen and I'm just thankful I don't live in Western New York state. I think we can handle a foot or two of snow. Eleven is kind of pushing it.
Happy belated Valentine's Day! My thoughtful husband got me some delicious gourmet strawberries dipped in chocolate. He knows me all too well.
At 4:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know how they feel! I *love* winter, but since we now live within a mile of the ocean, my tolerance has been sorely tested! When the wind is howling, the dog is lucky if his walk is five minutes long!
At 10:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Bring the kids by to sled with our kids. We have a nice sledding hill in our yard that you can easily see from inside the house. Meanwhile you can toast yourself (and read a book) by our stove. You can commiserate about pregnancy woes with Michelle (not that she is now).
At 11:56 AM,
Anonymous said…
I understand! But I'm one of those seemingly insane people you see all bundled up lumbering around the block. I take up to three-mile walks as much as I can year round, for the fitness benefit. But as you snuggle and catch a glimpse of me shuffling by and contemplate my levels of intellect and sanity, please let me assure you, I HATE EVERY MINUTE OF IT. I'm just ridiculously dedicated to the exercise. But I curse this cold and weather more than anyone, believe me!
At 6:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm a winter wuss too, and it doesn't even snow here. Much better to be snuggled up inside, enjoying your Valentine's Day treat, I say!
At 10:52 PM,
Kristen said…
John- I cannot imagine having to walk a dog every day in this weather. I guess that's why I just have a cat!
Scott- It makes me miss the hill we had in our backyard in Vermont. Of course if you weren't careful you could end up sledding right into the fire pit, so it had that extra thrill of danger!
Jody- That is great that you get out regardless of the weather. We were getting out for walks with the kids almost nightly, right after dinner, until it got too cold for them (and us) to deal with. I can't wait for spring!
Melissa- You are living in the right state for being a winter wuss! I don't think I would miss the snow a bit if I lived out there...
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