A Recommendation
This is the only advice I think I would give a woman who is going to have a baby and is not sure how to prepare for labor. Please do yourself a great big favor and take a Hypnobirthing class or do a home study course.
I can't speak of any other birthing method and I'm sure there are some other great ones out there. This is the only one I ever used. All it really is, in a nutshell, is a combo of breathing, visualization and affirmations that keep your body calm and relaxed, so you don't tense up during labor and make it more difficult than it has to be. It's actually pretty simple. You can call it, "fooling yourself that you're not really in labor" and that's pretty much what it boils down to.
And I don't know at all what my labor would have been like if I hadn't used this method, or some other kind, but I can tell you this: For 26 hours I labored without any crying or screaming, or yelling at my husband, "YOU did this to me!!!", and there was no epidural- not so much as a Tylenol- and after four hours of pushing, out came my 9 lb, 7 oz, 23 inch baby boy. I have to say, I did not experience much in the way of pain. I was however, quite exhausted from the whole experience. I imagine I might have ended up quite a bit more exhausted had I not been able to relax throughout my labor.
And though I did not labor much with Sofia -who was born via c-section due to breech presentation- I used the Hypnobirthing technique again to get through the two external versions that the doctors used to try and turn her. Now that was painful, but certainly shorter in duration. The breathing helped to calm me and keep my from getting too worked up. And I employed the techniques yet again in the operating room when they were prepping me for the section. I was pretty anxious knowing I was about to have major surgery but the techniques I learned help me keep it together.
Anyway, I think it's a great method and cannot recommend it enough. I think what you get out of it is equal to what you put in. The more you practice the breathing and visualization, the deeper the state of relaxation. I'd say I was in a pretty moderate state of relaxation. I mean, I never fell asleep, never was so relaxed I forgot where I was, nor would I say that my birthing experience was "discomfort- free". I listened to the tapes pretty regularly for a couple months, but I would almost always fall asleep before I got to the end of them. I still wonder if my brain absorbed the instructions that came at the end of those lessons.
Nowadays I'm not finding much time for practicing the method. I'm hoping a refresher crash course in March, coupled with my previous experience will help me get through what I anticipate to be a shorter, more pleasant labor. At least I'm hoping not to push for four hours. That was a bit much.
If any other moms have some good delivery room advice I would love to hear it. Someone recently reminded me that I need to pack a bag to take to the hospital. You'd think that's a no-brainer but honestly, I had forgotten about that. Maybe that was the instruction at the end of that tape I slept through.
I can't speak of any other birthing method and I'm sure there are some other great ones out there. This is the only one I ever used. All it really is, in a nutshell, is a combo of breathing, visualization and affirmations that keep your body calm and relaxed, so you don't tense up during labor and make it more difficult than it has to be. It's actually pretty simple. You can call it, "fooling yourself that you're not really in labor" and that's pretty much what it boils down to.
And I don't know at all what my labor would have been like if I hadn't used this method, or some other kind, but I can tell you this: For 26 hours I labored without any crying or screaming, or yelling at my husband, "YOU did this to me!!!", and there was no epidural- not so much as a Tylenol- and after four hours of pushing, out came my 9 lb, 7 oz, 23 inch baby boy. I have to say, I did not experience much in the way of pain. I was however, quite exhausted from the whole experience. I imagine I might have ended up quite a bit more exhausted had I not been able to relax throughout my labor.
And though I did not labor much with Sofia -who was born via c-section due to breech presentation- I used the Hypnobirthing technique again to get through the two external versions that the doctors used to try and turn her. Now that was painful, but certainly shorter in duration. The breathing helped to calm me and keep my from getting too worked up. And I employed the techniques yet again in the operating room when they were prepping me for the section. I was pretty anxious knowing I was about to have major surgery but the techniques I learned help me keep it together.
Anyway, I think it's a great method and cannot recommend it enough. I think what you get out of it is equal to what you put in. The more you practice the breathing and visualization, the deeper the state of relaxation. I'd say I was in a pretty moderate state of relaxation. I mean, I never fell asleep, never was so relaxed I forgot where I was, nor would I say that my birthing experience was "discomfort- free". I listened to the tapes pretty regularly for a couple months, but I would almost always fall asleep before I got to the end of them. I still wonder if my brain absorbed the instructions that came at the end of those lessons.
Nowadays I'm not finding much time for practicing the method. I'm hoping a refresher crash course in March, coupled with my previous experience will help me get through what I anticipate to be a shorter, more pleasant labor. At least I'm hoping not to push for four hours. That was a bit much.
If any other moms have some good delivery room advice I would love to hear it. Someone recently reminded me that I need to pack a bag to take to the hospital. You'd think that's a no-brainer but honestly, I had forgotten about that. Maybe that was the instruction at the end of that tape I slept through.
At 10:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
I had two totally different birthing experiences with my kids so I can't say I have any real reccomendations that you don't probably already know. :) Your technique sounds really interesting. Let us know how the refresher goes!
At 4:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
I did hypnobirthing and loved it but I also had a side of epidural so I kind of cheated. Still, I kept forgetting to push the button for the epidural since I was so into my focal point concentration. Hypnobirthing rocks.
At 8:55 AM,
Kristen said…
Melissa- I will be sure and let you all know how it works out this time!
Jenny- Oh, that's not cheating! I was just getting to the point with the pushing when I was about to ask for an epidural, but by then it was way too late. I thought for some reason that would help speed things up, but probably not. I just downloaded this new hypnobirhing mp3 because I can't find my old cassette tapes, and wouldn't have anything to play them on anyway. Hope it works as well as the original!
At 8:57 PM,
HLiza said…
I had never tried hypnobirthing before..and had always been a fan of epidural. I dunno..it sounds interesting but maybe it's too late for me to start learning it now..it's just 44 days more to go. I will still stick to epidural. Good luck Kristen!
At 7:53 AM,
Alyssa said…
See - I thought your recommendation would be something about burritos or pedicures.
But that's how I roll.
At 8:11 AM,
Flea said…
I so can't wait to meet the new little one via blogworld. I was a wee bit dissapointed that all three mine was c-section, first turned out emergency, then docs said better do the second again c-section and with the last ones heart condition it was pretty much a must! Would have loved to know how I would have gone, with nr 1 I was 10h in labour at first and I was the same, not a peep from my mouth! Good on ya Kristen! All the best to you all for the big day!
At 9:44 AM,
Kristen said…
Hliza- Yeah, I wished I had mentioned it to you sooner, because it would be pretty late in the game for it now. As it is, I wish I had been working on it sooner, myself. Oh well. We'll see how well I remember everything!
Lyss- I think a spicy burrito would certainly help to induce labor and I will not allow anyone to see my toes. I will be wearing pink booties throughout the birth. That is for certain.
Hann- Hey, so long as they come out okay is all that really matters in the end! Having done it both ways I can certainly say they both have their ups and downs. I'm just hoping this one goes relatively quickly!
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