Kids Say The Darndest Things (That Make You All Weepy)
Tonight as I'm trying to get the kids settled in for bed, they're scurrying around the bedroom, as I'm picking up odds and ends from the floor so no one trips over anything on their way to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I've asked both kids to pick a bedtime story. No one is listening. It's been a long day. I'm tired. I've got nothing left in me. I'm thinking about heading into to bed myself, shortly after I get them down.
I sigh heavily, audibly.
David, who always knows what I'm thinking says, "Mommy, is it tough taking care of two kids?"
I nod and smile, weakly. "Yes, David it is. Some days it feels like a lot of work."
He furrows his brow, pokes at his upper lip.
"And it's going to be even harder when you have three to take care of. Right?"
I'm sighing a little inside now, but still smiling. The baby suddenly feels heavy within. "Yes, I'm sure it will be."
He smiles brightly back at me, big brown eyes gleaming. "But then you'll have even more love."
I give him a tight squeeze. My eyes are gleaming now, too. "That's right, honey."
Love is all you need, baby. Love is all you need.
I sigh heavily, audibly.
David, who always knows what I'm thinking says, "Mommy, is it tough taking care of two kids?"
I nod and smile, weakly. "Yes, David it is. Some days it feels like a lot of work."
He furrows his brow, pokes at his upper lip.
"And it's going to be even harder when you have three to take care of. Right?"
I'm sighing a little inside now, but still smiling. The baby suddenly feels heavy within. "Yes, I'm sure it will be."
He smiles brightly back at me, big brown eyes gleaming. "But then you'll have even more love."
I give him a tight squeeze. My eyes are gleaming now, too. "That's right, honey."
Love is all you need, baby. Love is all you need.
At 9:46 PM,
M J said…
And the "Awwwww!" was heard 'round the world.
That was a sweet, touching story.
At 1:06 AM,
Idaho Dad said…
Okay, I'm going to have to re-read this post tomorrow night, after a very long and difficult week that started off about as badly as it could and then sort leveled off and became only tolerable at times but you aren't going to see me write about it on my own blog because of screwy mother-in-law who secretly reads my blog waiting to pounce on some proof that I am a bad father.
Whew! Don't you just love run-on sentences?
At 1:07 AM,
Idaho Dad said…
What I was trying to say is, this post is a great reminder of why we're doing this. Even in the face of hardship and exhaustion, our kids can give back, in one moment, all we need from them... Love. And that makes it all worth it.
At 9:26 AM,
HLiza said…
Awww... that kind of lift me up!
At 10:25 AM,
Flea said…
Awwwwwww says a mother of three who sighs alot too :)
At 10:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Don't worry, I'm the last of four, and my mother wouldn't have had it any other way! (Actually, she originally wanted six, but by the time she had me...well let's just say I guess I broke the mold, LOL!)
I emailed Ernie once and told him how much your family reminds me of my own while growing up. You both seem to have a very similar parenting style my own parents had. Everyone here speaks AS parents...but hopefully the perspective of someone who was successfully parented herself (despite being childless herself) is helpful to you too, because trust me, from what I see, you're doing incredible. :)
At 11:15 PM,
Kristen said…
MJ- what can I say...that kid is going to make some lucky lady an awesome husband one day.
Phil- I know how you feel. Some weeks or even just a few hours seem to take everything out of you and then they pull a zinger out of nowhere. They are so worth it all, every day.
Hliza/Hannelie- I know, everybody now...Awwwww!!!
Jody- Thanks...we are doing our best. I honestly think we get a little better at this parenting gig each day...with help from the kids, of course!
At 9:18 AM,
Anonymous said…
Man. You've got a great kid there.
I got a little teary. *sniff*
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