Alter Egos?

Yeah, Right. Depending on which photo you use of yourself, you will get drastically different results. This is me on a good day. When I used a photo of myself after a hike up a nearby mountain, I got Bertrand Russell and Steve McQueen as my closest matches. When I did photos of my kids they both got Shirley Temple. Ernesto's were too hilarious and I will not share them without his consent. Anyway, thanks to Melissa who started me out on this colossal, yet entertaining waste of my time. Hey, it's better than vegging out in front of the TV. I guess I'll go do that now.
At 10:13 PM,
Idaho Dad said…
Clare Danes, Isabelle Rosselini, Heidi Klum!? Yowza!
And what do I get? Meryl Streep and Hugo Chavez. Sheesh!
At 10:44 PM,
Anonymous said…
Don't feel bad, I got Jet Li too. I was telling Marnie that may explain why Cory likes his movies. ;)
At 6:57 AM,
HLiza said…
With that photo, you really look like Kristen Dunst. I dare not try mine... what if they come up with Arnie Swarzhenegger or George Bush or some old actress?
At 8:29 AM,
Kristen said…
Phil- I wish I could say people have compared me to all those actresses, but sadly, no, not ever. Hey, Meryl Streep is a fine looking woman, so you should be pleased. ;>
Melissa- You are a dead ringer for Jet Li. Or Brooke Shields. Really, it could go either way.
Hliza- You know, when I first saw Kirsten Dunst as a child actress I remember thinking she reminded me a little of myself as a child. Maybe because she played a vampire. :}
At 8:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
The Jet Li resemblance probably explains my badass martial arts skills.
Okay, that was a lie. Not the resemblance, the other thing.
At 9:44 PM,
M J said…
OK, I see the Reese, Claire and Kirsten in you, for sure.
That pic of you is all "come hither cute." And you definitely matched some come-hither cuties.
I'm gonna take a scary pic of myself in the morning and see who I match then. Should be interesting.
At 11:48 PM,
Kristen said…
Yeah, and did you notice all these women have the head slightly downward, looking up toward the camera? That's really what we all have in common. It's a little trick I learned from our theatre teacher in college who taught us how to pose for a great head shot. I will have to share my other, very scary picture that got all kinds of weird matches, mostly to men who were grimacing in their photos.
At 3:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
You know, Kristen, for a lady who has two kids and also has another one coming soon, you actually look pretty good. And I mean that in the most platonic way, too. (Don't let that head of yours get too big, okay?)
At 10:29 PM,
Kristen said…
So what are you saying Michael? You think my head looks big? ;>
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