You Know It's Time To Go Grocery Shopping When...'ve been using confectioner's sugar in your coffee for three mornings in a row, as you cannot scrape even a teaspoon of granulated from your sugar canister. Then you get up very early because your very hungry children need breakfast and there's no cereal or oatmeal or yogurt to be had so you make them pancakes before even taking a first sip of that cup of coffee.
And I've even been using my husband's shampoo because I'm all out of my own brand.
Clearly, these are desperate times.
And I've even been using my husband's shampoo because I'm all out of my own brand.
Clearly, these are desperate times.
At 12:57 PM,
Idaho Dad said…
Or when you have to brush your teeth with Kids' Crest (with sparkles!).
At 1:04 PM,
Kristen said…
I've done that Phil! Dora with sparkles, to be precise!
At 7:27 PM,
HLiza said…
Hey, I've done that too.. the kids' toothpaste tastes yuck!!
At 12:49 AM,
M J said…
I once had to shampoo with bar soap.
My hair never recovered.
At 8:58 AM,
Kristen said…
MJ- I'm pretty sure I did that once- It was "Zest" or something equally awfully. I would have been better off not washing it at all...
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