So Much For That
I made a really sad discovery last night. I was looking up baby names, as we haven't really firmed any up, yet, though I was heavily, heavily leaning toward a particular girl's name. It was perfect because it was unusual, without sounding made up, it had a cool meaning and I didn't know a single soul in the world with this name.
Then I looked it up online and found that there is someone associated with this name and um, well, she makes the kinds of films that you don't want your kids to ever see. Ewww. I shouldn't let something like that bother me, but there are many different reasons we choose the names we do for our kids, and even more reasons we dismiss countless others. You know what I'm talking about:
Nope, can't do that was my ex-boyfriend's name.
Nope, can't do that one... the other kids will rhyme it with "Reefer".
Nope, I had a mean great aunt with that name. It's a pretty name, but she was really mean!
Nope, don't like that. The first letter is the same as our last name.
Nope, that's that actress you've always had a crush on. You're not fooling anyone.
Honestly, it's amazing people are ever able to agree. But then one of you comes up with the perfect name and you look at each other, nodding, "hey...yeah, that works. I really like that."
Well, at least until you find out it's the same name as some creepy porn star. Oh well.
I'm open for some new suggestions, people.
Then I looked it up online and found that there is someone associated with this name and um, well, she makes the kinds of films that you don't want your kids to ever see. Ewww. I shouldn't let something like that bother me, but there are many different reasons we choose the names we do for our kids, and even more reasons we dismiss countless others. You know what I'm talking about:
Nope, can't do that was my ex-boyfriend's name.
Nope, can't do that one... the other kids will rhyme it with "Reefer".
Nope, I had a mean great aunt with that name. It's a pretty name, but she was really mean!
Nope, don't like that. The first letter is the same as our last name.
Nope, that's that actress you've always had a crush on. You're not fooling anyone.
Honestly, it's amazing people are ever able to agree. But then one of you comes up with the perfect name and you look at each other, nodding, "hey...yeah, that works. I really like that."
Well, at least until you find out it's the same name as some creepy porn star. Oh well.
I'm open for some new suggestions, people.
At 4:18 PM,
Anonymous said…
The docs told us our son was going to be a girl, and we picked this pretty name, that nobody had - and then after he was born...a boy, obviously...we saw a girl with the same name on Jerry Springer who was a stripper.
Thank god we both found out in time! ;)
At 4:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Wait a second . . . you really are serious about having a baby! I thought you were pulling everyone's leg. On the other hand, I'm also really, really dense. (I can admit that much.)
Whew . . . I'm sorry to say this, but the three kids you will soon have is going to *destroy* your social life. Oh, man! You are in trouble! My goodness! How did you get pregnant again?!?!
Ha ha . . . better go.
At 10:12 PM,
Kristen said…
Melissa- ...and the fact she was on Jerry Springer makes it especially creepy!
Michael- Well, I guess I'm just one of those weird people who thinks of kids as a blessing and not a curse. And you're right, I will definitely have to cut down on all the nights out dancing and boozing now that I'm going to have a third. Geez, wish I had thought of that first.
At 4:30 AM,
Flea said…
Hannelie off course! How could you not know LOL.
At 5:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi Just to cheer you up People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one He!He!He!
Wish you well
At 6:54 AM,
HLiza said…
Hi Kristen, I'm Hliza here. First time in your blog after recommendation by Hannelie. I'm pregnant with my third child too. Haven't figured out any names yet, it's just 3 months now. But hubby will get to choose for a boy and I'm choosing a girl's name.
At 10:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
This may sound weird, but there's also the very real factor of uniqueness in the sense of how easily you want your children to be distinguished in this electronic world. And this is also for their own "identity safety" sake. For example, Google "Jane Smith" or something like that. What a nightmarish search! On one hand, there's comfort in knowing that any one particular "Jane Smith" is NOT easy to find, on the other hand, there are pretty serious credit ramifications for anyone screwing around financially with the name "Jane Smith." I watched a movie once in which the identity theft victim's name was SO ridiculously common that was part of her problem in clearing up her own identity (it was a true story.) You can't trust a social security number alone. But like you said, you thought you had that unique, not-so-common name but low and behold, *cue porn music here*. As for my own name, I don't like it (and yes, my mom has heard about it for years!) but as far as I know, not one other person in this country has my first/last name combination, so that's cool! :) My last name is not that common in this country to begin with, and my first name isn't either.
At 10:39 AM,
Anonymous said…
My girls love playing with The Baby Name Wizard. If you haven't played with it before, try it for a few minutes (some initial patience is needed while the Java loads), and you'll be playing with it for at least an hour.
At 11:05 AM,
Anonymous said…
Just checked The Baby Name Wizard and no one has named their baby LULU since 1940. That means if there's a porn star out there named LULU, she's at least 66 years old. Sounds like a safe bet to me.
At 2:27 PM,
Kristen said…
So "LuLu" it is! Thanks mom. When she ends up cursing her name at the age of twelve, I'll send her to your house!!
At 6:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
I swear to god this is true:
My dad wanted to name me Ilsa. Can you imagine. My mom told him, "everybody at school will call her "illy". Do you want to be responsible for that?!"
Thanks, Mom. ;)
At 9:43 AM,
Anonymous said…
Melissa, I actually think "Ilsa" is a very pretty name, and unusual! I have a sister names "Melissa" too, and I like that as well :)
Kristen, we had a cat names "Lulu" when I was growing up!
At 10:38 AM,
Kristen said…
Jody, I think Ilsa is pretty, too. Melissa, your parents still managed to get the "Ilsa" in there, just arranged differently. LuLu is a very good name for a cat. I'm thinking maybe not so great for a kid...
At 11:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
well thanks, I'll tell Dad. :)
I didn't like the idea, uh, wait, still don't.
I like Melissa. There aren't very many of us crawling around. Not like the Jennifers.
I know, my best friend is a Jennifer.
At 7:40 AM,
Alyssa said…
Deefer is a totally legit name suggestion.
I have the Doctor on the job, he'll come up with something good.
At 6:20 PM,
overactive-imagination said…
For a girl, I love Madison and Hailey but those are so over used around here it seems. I LOVE Riley for a girl or a boy. My oldest daughter's name is Ryan and I decided when I found out that I was pregnant that would be the first name regardless of gender. I ended up having a girl (obviously) and around the same time there was a soap opera called "Ryan's Hope" with a female Ryan. She hated her name when she was in elementary but loved it once she got to middle and high school.
Good luck, there's so many names to choose from.
Dawn :o)
Here from Melissa's place.
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