Why Is This Woman So Big?

So I'm about 14 weeks along. When I was pregnant with David I didn't begin showing until early in my fifth month. With Sofia, I don't remember, but it was probably a little sooner than that. And here I am barely in my second trimester and I could easily pass for a woman in her sixth month. Now, while some photos make you look bigger than you really are, this one actually somehow managed to make me look not quite as rotund as I actually am. As if I magically lost a few inches when I rotated the photo.
So what is up? As far as I know, I am only carrying one child. I know I am not "further along" than I think. Am I having an alien baby? You know, the kind that grows really fast and is born within a few months with green scales and a tail? What kind of car seat would that child require? Or is this baby just going to weigh in at 13+ lbs. at birth?
Well, truth be told I had a very large chimichanga at dinner this evening with extra guacamole, and topped it off with a five-layer chocolate and peanut butter dessert which made me want to pass out just thinking about eating it.
Yes... that might have something to do with it.
At 6:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think my wife Michelle could sympathize. She looked as you do now about a week before our first was born. It was unreal! We joked that she was just carrying a nerf basketball. We also joked that Claire arrived early because she was tired of being cramped by those "abs of steel". The subsequent pregnancies didn't hide the baby the same way. Certainly the twin's pregnancy was a different story altogether! The last pregnancy was about normal.
At 8:53 AM,
Flea said…
You might be like what I was with my 3rd, I showed quicker too than with the first two, but then after month 5 I stayed small untill the end. Bub was very tall but very skinny and we actually had a growth progression scan done at one stage. Now my 18 month old is 86 cm's tall!!! *gulp* that's more then half my current lenght already.
You look beautifull.
At 12:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
No, the question is, "why are this woman's arms so skinny?"
I am going to become offended if you continue to say you're big. You should have seen me pregnant with my kids. No. No, maybe not.
At 2:02 PM,
Kristen said…
Scott- with both my kids I was not quite as big as Michelle was with the twins...but not too much smaller either!
Hannelie- Thank you...I've heard that with the third, women often get big right away and slow down a bit until the end. I certainly hope not to continue growing at quite this rate...
Melissa- Ernesto said something this morning about women perhaps being annoyed at me calling myself "big", although at six feet tall I am certainly big no matter how you look at it. You are right about my arms. They have always been very long, and even skinnier when I was a little kid. Finding shirts that didn't make me look like an orangutan was a challenge, to say the least. Still is.
At 3:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
My goodness! Six feet tall!? Whoa!
I had no idea you were Kristen the Amazon... ;-)
At 3:51 PM,
Kristen said…
Don't think you're the first to have ever called me that, Scott! I take it as a compliment, of course.
At 6:31 PM,
HLiza said…
Hi again Kristen...I salute you for being brave enough to show your preggy photo.. I normally don't.. this is the stage when I hide myself..but maybe this time I'll change my mind. I'm about your stage now.. also tummy about as big as yours now..I miss those time when I was already 7 months and people are suddenly so shocked to know that I'm preggy! He he he..
But I do admit you look great even with the bulge in front! And kind of sexy too..
At 9:06 PM,
Anonymous said…
What I want to know is how you've managed to stay so tiny everywhere else. I think I gained 10 pounds in each arm in the first trimester.
It looked like I was wearing water-wings all the time.
At 1:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
I'm with Jenny, what's your secret? Unless it involves getting off my couch and/or being outdoors. I can't do either of those things.
I love that you're tall. My mom was tall - 5'8". I'm 5'6"and I got her long arms, torso hands, and feet, but my dad's short legs. I look like a duck, is basically what's going on here. Two piece outfits, yes please.
I gained a lot of weight my first pregnancy - I think that may have been due to my main craving - bagels and cream cheese - and my secondary craving - barbequed ribs. Pack it on, Melissa!
Okay. Embarrassed enough for one day, I will now slink off somewhere else.
At 1:35 AM,
Anonymous said…
Okay, clearly I forgot a comma. I don't know what "torso hands" might be, frankly they sound frightening. *eek*
At 8:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey beautiful! I love your belly! It is surprising how quickly one shows in subsequent pregnancies. I had one lovely person tell me yesterday that she looked like I do right now (like you, 14 weeks) when she was 7 months along. I LOVE people who say things like that, don't you?? Todd keeps saying he wants to take photos of my belly progression. Now, maybe I will dare to take him up on it! Rock on, sister!
At 9:53 AM,
Kristen said…
Hliza- Yeah, I've never shown this quickly before. With my first, I was so anxious to wear maternity clothes and I felt like I waited forever to get into them. This time I didn't even have a chance to really "want" to wear them...I just suddenly needed them!
Melissa/Jenny- There is no secret to the arms...I would say it's 90% genetics, as my sisters both have the long, thin arms as well. My oldest sister's arms are even longer than mine. I think she personally brought the 3/4 sleeve length look into fashion. My parents were both very tall, long arms and legs...which is all great, but I also got the big Hobbit feet and a gianormous big toe which you will NEVER see pictured on this blog!
Mo- Good to hear from you! I can't wait to see you so we can commiserate. For those of you who don't know, Mo and I are due days apart from each other. You should definitely have Todd take the photos...I wish I had done that with the other kids.
At 1:23 PM,
M J said…
I will hope and pray that you do not have a 13 lb baby. No woman should have to go through that...
Maybe it's a baby.. and a five-layer chocolate cake.. wouldn't that be cool.
At 9:03 PM,
Kristen said…
MJ- You can rest assured that when I have this baby, shortly thereafter I will be eating a five layer chocolate cake (with peanut butter). I have no doubt.
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