Friday, October 13, 2006


I've been meaning to post about this for a while, but I was too lazy to scan the photo myself and now that it's online I don't have to. My husband Ernesto and I were asked by his associates at New Hampshire Magazine to do them a little favor a couple months back by posing for the cover of their annual "Destinations" magazine, which brings together all of New Hampshire's best tourist attractions, including places to shop, dine and so forth. Of course we were more than happy to do it and it meant someone would watch the kids for a little while as we pretended to be wealthy D.I.N.K.S, shopping in and around downtown Concord. And you know we were once theatre majors when you see Ernesto feigning enthusiasm while shopping with me, and carrying my packages. And there are no little kids attached to my legs. Clearly this is a fantasy world.

Anyway, it was fun while it lasted. Look for my next cover on "Harried Mother Magazine", due out in April of 2007. I'll be the comatose looking one with spit up all over my shirt.

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