I was reminded of this photo a few weeks back during dinner with the kids, during which my son David was alarmed because he thought the picture on the salad dressing bottle was indicative of its contents. That's just a little hint and some of you may not need one, anyhow. There are actually two celebrities in this photo, taken during a swanky party at the
Williamstown Theatre Festival, summer of '96. Another hint I will give you is the celebrity is not included amongst the three, slightly tipsy young women in the foreground. I didn't realize until years after this photo was taken that the celebrity in question was actually in the picture. Can you tell who it is? You get extra points if you can spot the second, lesser known actor.
At 11:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yup...Paul Newman! No hints necessary. And no, I can't spot the other but I would probably if I saw a larger version of this pic.
I have a newspaper photo of Gwyneth Paltrow watching a show I worked on in 1994. But I just realized I didn't take any of my own pictures of my experiences that summer. Now I wish I had, but it was such a blur, and went by so fast! I didn't even think to pull out my camera.
At 2:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
"he thought the picture on the salad dressing bottle was indicative of its contents."
That reminds of one of my graphic design classes in college- we learned how Gerber had trouble marketing baby food in Africa because the people thought the bottles contained puréed babies!
At 12:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Okay. The guy he's talking to and the lady in the background both look like famous people to me. But I can't find my glasses, so who knows. I did see Paul Newman right away, so at least I have that!
At 11:32 AM,
Kristen said…
Okay, I guess that one was too easy...I love that he's just hanging out, drinking a beer. The other actor is hard to make out in the picture, so I guess it's unlikely anyone would have gotten that. It's James Naughton. You'd all probably recognize him from various films from the eighties and early nineties. He's just one of those faces that pops up a lot.
John- I read about that too, and couldn't help think of that when David first reacted to the picture.
At 6:37 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh Paul...you've gotten so dang ooooold.
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