What's Green And Yellow All Over And Way Out Of My Budget?
No, I haven't been kidnapped. I just took a vacation from my blog. Unintentionally, but I'm refreshed now that I've had a break from it. That doesn't mean I have lots of good stories to tell, though. Normally I would just post some pictures if I'm too busy to write anything, but the camera is on the fritz. Yes, another camera gone to meet its maker- for real, I'm sending it out from whence it came to be repaired. No doubt they will say it will "cost more to fix it than it's worth and I should just buy a new one." When are they going to be able to make a digital camera that can be dropped repeatedly by a three year old and still function? Are you telling me they don't have the technology to do that?? Yee-gads.
But I digress.
So I brought the kids by Lowes today on the way to Target. While Target is fun for me, Lowes is far more interesting for the kids and the two stores are right next door to each other, so we headed to the greenhouse to see what sort of plants they had. Ernesto and I have been thinking about planting some trees around the edge of the yard and I wanted to see what kind of cabbage we would have to spend to get the effect we're looking for. I like it because I stand around daydreaming about what I would do if I had very deep pockets and the kids like to look at the fake ducks in the water fountain/pond display near the perrenials. They just think that's the best thing ever. David wants us to buy one. If we stocked it with trout, I'm sure we could get Ernesto to go along with it.
As we enter the gates and go past the cashiers, David tightens his grip on my hand and sucks in his breath with a great, high-pitched wheeze, then lets it out and shrieks, "IT'S A JOHN DEERE!!!!"
David is big into John Deere. Ever since I bought him this little kiddie John Deere cell phone that came with a set of keys and a little beeper. He's fascinated with the color scheme, and as he said tonight before bed, "I love John Deere because 'J' is my favorite letter." As good a reason as any, I think.
Anyway, he lets go of my hand and so does Sofi and they both run over to the lawnmower and I'm trying to keep up with them so they don't beat me to it and start climbing all over it. I don't know if Lowe's has a "you break, you buy it" policy but I'm not about to find out.
David stands in awe before it for a few moments, eyes slightly glazed.
"Can I sit on it?" He asks hopefully, eyeing the gear shift.
"Better not, hon. Let's just look, okay?" I'm sure this thing is a little sturdier than my digital camera, but again, I cannot afford to find out.
Sofia is staring at it too, then smiles broadly puts her face right up to the jumping deer emblem in front and exhales all over it, fogging up the shiny green paint with her breath.
"Nothing runs like a Deere!" She exclaims.
I am in fits, laughing and I look around to see who else is laughing and realize there isn't anyone else there. What a moment and no one else saw it. Oh well.
I guess everyone will see her when she's 25 and working as a John Deere spokesperson. I hope she'll get a company discount.
But I digress.
So I brought the kids by Lowes today on the way to Target. While Target is fun for me, Lowes is far more interesting for the kids and the two stores are right next door to each other, so we headed to the greenhouse to see what sort of plants they had. Ernesto and I have been thinking about planting some trees around the edge of the yard and I wanted to see what kind of cabbage we would have to spend to get the effect we're looking for. I like it because I stand around daydreaming about what I would do if I had very deep pockets and the kids like to look at the fake ducks in the water fountain/pond display near the perrenials. They just think that's the best thing ever. David wants us to buy one. If we stocked it with trout, I'm sure we could get Ernesto to go along with it.
As we enter the gates and go past the cashiers, David tightens his grip on my hand and sucks in his breath with a great, high-pitched wheeze, then lets it out and shrieks, "IT'S A JOHN DEERE!!!!"
David is big into John Deere. Ever since I bought him this little kiddie John Deere cell phone that came with a set of keys and a little beeper. He's fascinated with the color scheme, and as he said tonight before bed, "I love John Deere because 'J' is my favorite letter." As good a reason as any, I think.
Anyway, he lets go of my hand and so does Sofi and they both run over to the lawnmower and I'm trying to keep up with them so they don't beat me to it and start climbing all over it. I don't know if Lowe's has a "you break, you buy it" policy but I'm not about to find out.
David stands in awe before it for a few moments, eyes slightly glazed.
"Can I sit on it?" He asks hopefully, eyeing the gear shift.
"Better not, hon. Let's just look, okay?" I'm sure this thing is a little sturdier than my digital camera, but again, I cannot afford to find out.
Sofia is staring at it too, then smiles broadly puts her face right up to the jumping deer emblem in front and exhales all over it, fogging up the shiny green paint with her breath.
"Nothing runs like a Deere!" She exclaims.
I am in fits, laughing and I look around to see who else is laughing and realize there isn't anyone else there. What a moment and no one else saw it. Oh well.
I guess everyone will see her when she's 25 and working as a John Deere spokesperson. I hope she'll get a company discount.
At 8:45 PM,
Anonymous said…
Brilliant that she said it, yes, but where in the heck did she hear that to begin with?
At 11:00 PM,
Flea said…
We have a John Deer tractor manufactor company, the real ones, are we talking the same language here?
It sounds very 'cool' though!
At 3:35 PM,
Kristen said…
E-Oh, not so brilliant...she heard me say it once when David was looking at a John Deere ad in a magazine. She eventually repeats everything I say.
Hannelie- Yep, that's the one. They're known for their farm equipment products and their bright green and yellow color scheme. At least that's how I know them...
At 8:13 PM,
Mike D said…
Hi Kristen... I know this is probably the worst way to contact you, but it's your cousin Mike. I happened across your blog today after thinking about you this past weekend. If you wouldn't mind, send me an e-mail so we can talk: kazama23@yahoo.com.
At 10:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
Take the kids to Nashua Power Equipment -- about a quarter mile east of route 3's exit 6. If you're in my neck of the woods (Milford) there's a power equipment dealer near a couple of doors down from The County Store. Both have gianormous mowers, tractors, etc.
I think there's also a John Deere dealer in Amherst on 101A (on the north side of the street) that opened in the past year or so. Even the building has their reknowned green with yellow trim color scheme. David and Soph will love that last one. I dare not go there. I have to satiate my Tim Allen-esque instincts with a mere Craftsman tractor (and attachments of course!)
At 4:40 AM,
Idaho Dad said…
Hi! I'm just "breaking in" a new camera... A Canon PowerShot A620. It goes for around $220. I used it for all the road trip pictures I'm currently posting on my blog. Really nice camera, easy to use. Not sure about durability. I don't want to find out!
At 10:00 AM,
Kristen said…
Mike- Good to hear from you! This is actually one of the best ways to reach me...I sent you an email...
Scott- that sounds like a dangerous place! I'd have to put David on one of those kiddie leashes or something...we're headed out to my sister's house in Ohio at the end of the summer and she and her husband have a John Deere riding mower. David will be heaven...
Phil- We have the Canon power shot A520 which I really like. We got a great deal on it and it takes really nice pictures, or did, rather. I'm hoping we'll be able to fix it because it really was a great camera.
At 6:14 PM,
Kristen said…
Yeah, I think in the meantime while the other Canon is being repaired, I will go and buy another one of the lower-priced ones...they are just great and it will be good to have a back up for the future...I can't stand being without my camera.
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