Picture This

David has taken to photography the way chocolate takes to peanut butter. Just a real nice combo. He's very serious about it. He lines up his shots carefully, holds the camera still and comes to show me every picture he's taken and says what he likes about each one. He always wants to use our new digital camera, even though I've let him take over the old one, (the first one we ever bought that's in pretty rough shape, but it will still take a grainy pic) and he sneaks off with it when I'm not looking. I put it up somewhere high (and I'm 6', so I mean high) but he'll scale any surface to find it. He's a little rock climber in training. We had a talk about this, and he has now resigned himself to the "old" camera, but he got in a few shots before he gave the new one back. Here is an exhibit of his nearly four year old self's perspective, at least as of last Thursday.
My personal favorite is "Still Life With Foot".
At 4:31 AM,
Idaho Dad said…
Kids must like to take pictures of their feet. Both my kids did that. My daughter also took about fifty pictures of her toys (guess that's what is most important to her!).
I envy my kids being able to enjoy the freedom of digital cameras and software. Everything is so easy and fun. I remember developing my own film and messing around in the darkroom trying to manipulate my photos. So much wasted film and photo paper! Now I get the shots I want and make instant changes to improve them.
At 7:55 AM,
Kristen said…
Oh I know...when we were kids it was like, "let's take some pictures and then wait two months until someone gets around to developing them." Although there was that excitement of opening the enevelope of photos for the first time, and then just as quickly it would fade as I saw how lousy all my photos were! Luckily my mom is a great photographer, and she took the majority of our family photos so they were always a treat to look at.
At 10:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
The shot of Sophia looks like SHE took it of herself; it's got that "arms awkwardly holding camera to face" look. Are you sure that's a "David" shot?
At 10:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
Do you have a lavendar wall? Because I think I love you.
Why does everyone cool have lavendar or lime walls and why can't I get up the nerve to do it myself?
At 4:56 PM,
Kristen said…
Jody- That one of Sofia does have that "I'm taking this picture myself look", but David was sitting really close to her on the couch and said, "Say 'cheese', Sof" and she just turned right into the lens and said, "Cheeeeese!!"
Jenny- I can't take credit for the Lavender walls...when we bought this house about 4 months ago, the previous owners had a couple of little girls and they painted both their rooms in different shades of purple. This one is the nicest and is the kids play room. I really love that color, too...I think it's particularly good for bedrooms...
At 4:56 PM,
Anonymous said…
Next you'll have to teach him to post his pictures to his own blog! I like the picture of the loaf best.
At 10:38 PM,
Kristen said…
Annette- I like the Loaf one, too. If only I had that kind of energy first thing in the morning!
At 9:06 AM,
Flea said…
How sweet.
Phil's right, and he posted the foot photo and I told him my son did the same and posted the foot photo too, so it must be a boy thing then!!
Your son is 4, Phil's is 8 and mine 12...any one with a 16y.o. boy's foot on a photo?
At 9:53 AM,
Kristen said…
Hannelie- It could just be a boy thing, or in Phil's case I think his son got the foot thing from him. Phil recently took a very nice picture featuring his own feet...
At 9:17 PM,
Flea said…
I saw, are you talking about the one of him on the round-a-bout thingy?
At 8:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
my favorite is the still life with feet too. :) I think I have six billion pictures of my kids' feet when they were chubby like that.
Now they just smell like puppies all the time. :)
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