Still Goofy After All These Years

I'm anxious to get to the Niagara pictures, and the ones from our time in Ohio, but it will be a little work and this has turned into a busy weekend. Instead I have posted this picture, which I found today while searching for some other photos that I was planning to frame. This shot was taken some 23 years ago (give or take a year) on my birthday. Tomorrow marks another year on this earth for me, and while it's unlikely I'll be as enthusiastic about this one as I was for my tenth, I'm sure it will a good time nonetheless. I also won't likely be wearing a decorative shoelace in my hair, but hey, you never know what I may do.
The thing that is especially cool about this photo is that pictured on the left is my cousin Mike, who was my very good buddy growing up. He recently found me through my blog and we've since been catching up. So it was very strange that I should happen across this, the only picture I think I have here in my house with him in it. Okay, so I was going through EVERY photo album and box in my house, so it's not really that weird that I should have found it. But still very cool.
At 8:17 PM,
Anonymous said…
I love this picture.
Happy early birthday!!
At 8:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Birthday!
Say hi to Mike for me! Tell him to drop me a line!
It's weird how we're both editors. Who would have guessed that two kids who grew up next door to each other in a tiny little town would each seperately go into such a niche profession?
At 9:05 PM,
Flea said…
Happy Happy (early) Birthday from me too.
I love the photo!
At 9:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I hope you have the happiest birthday. Do you want me to send cookies early?
You have no idea how glad I am to discover I wasn't the only girl wearing those yarn bows in her hair during the '80s. Why do they look cute on you? You should see my 4th grade picture.
No, actually you shouldn't.
At 12:44 AM,
Idaho Dad said…
I love old pictures. Mine are few and far between. Nobody in our family took many pictures back then, so I cherish the few fuzzy ones that I have. My own kids are being fully documented... They will have no trouble looking back at their childhood with the thousands and thousands of pictures I'm taking. Or maybe they will have trouble... it might be photo overload!
Have a very happy birthday. Do something fun!
At 10:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
Have a happy birthday! :)
At 12:36 PM,
Kristen said…
Thank you, all! I had a great day, and I don't feel a bit older. Maybe just a little heavier from all the food.
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