How To Spend Your Anniversary

August 28, 1999. These two crazy kids tied the knot. Every year since that day, they find a new and different way to celebrate their anniversary. This year would not be any different. They spend their special day driving for 12+ hours from Ohio to New Hampshire. They dine on the finest rest area food, such as McDonald's crispy chicken and bacon sandwich with ranch dressing. 25 times they find themselves turning around in their seats, saying with the utmost calm, "No, we're not in New Hampshire yet. We won't be there for a long time. Please stop kicking the back of my seat." Their timing is impeccable when they stop the car just as both children desperately need to use the bathroom. They take an hour to drive three miles during rush-hour in Hartford, CT. Sometimes it's good to take things slowly. They don't get even a bit grossed out as they clean up after their car-sick son. Twenty-two baby wipes can do amazing things and cars can always be detailed.
Yep, these two have seen a lot in their seven years as husband and wife. They are wild and unpredictable. Who knows what they will do on their twentieth.
At 9:19 PM,
Anonymous said…
We're climbing Everest! Or maybe asking one of the older kids to babysit and going to a movie. Except halfway there, we decide to go dancing. I have four martinis. You have two. We take a cab to a really high end hotel and smooch until the wee hours of the morning. Then we base jump off the balcony, land on a hay wagon, leap off a bridge onto a tug boat and make it home by 7:30. You write a blog poem about it. Happy anniversary, baby!
At 10:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
November 1st, 1994. This (then) DINK couple also drove from Ohio (well, Dayton) to New Hampshire on a 16 hour festival of fun with minimal luggage and two cats in a CRX. It rained most of the day. The cats did not like traveling despite the "kitty-ludes" they had been prescribed by the vet. Now when I think of doing it again with five kids instead of two cats, the feline dominated trip seems a cakewalk!
Heck! We can barely clear the driveway sometimes without someone bickering.
Car sick! Eww! Are there gift certificates for auto detailing?
Best wishes for many more years ahead... hopefully without the need for baby wipes while traveling !!
At 10:28 PM,
Anonymous said…
Oh I love your picture! *swoon*
Last June, I spent my tenth anniversary in Maui, where I promptly broke my ankle four hours after getting off the plane. Two days later, on our actual anniversary, my memory was foggy from the painkillers, and I think my husband spent most of the day before and after the dinner I was *determined* we go out to getting me ice and helping me adjust the swanky Hawaiian hotel pillows under my cast.
So this June we just went out to dinner, you know, just in case. After dinner we bought cat food at Target. We're even crazier than you guys. ;)
At 2:14 AM,
Flea said…
Oh how romantic and what a beaut of a picture! Congratulations guys!!!
I agree, what will I do with my wet wipes, got them stacked all over the pram, stroller, both car's glove boxes and in bags, I think we should all have shares in wet wipes and become mulit millioners!
Sounds as if you had a great time!
Looking fw to the pics.
My g'friend is in Canada and are doing the Maiden of the Mist soon, it's the fairy (?) boat! Did you see any Aussie's wave at you from a boat? Might've been her :)
At 6:42 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Anniversary! Your celebrations sound much like ours. I'm hoping our twentieth is a bit more exciting than our recent anniversaries, but I guess I should be grateful I haven't had to deal with car-sick! (at least not yet).
At 10:07 AM,
Anonymous said…
Slainte! Happy anniversary! Here's to many more!
For one of our annis (and it may have been our 1st!) Michelle and I experienced the fine dining in the food court of our local mega-Target as we ran errands. If memory serves, she had Pizza Hut, I had Taco Hell. Ahh... amore. ;)
At 12:06 PM,
Kristen said…
Thanks to you all for the well-wishes...and I'm glad to hear we're not the only couple who so stylishly celebrate their anniversary. I have to say for the first one we did it up right... got dressed up, fancy dinner, flowers, gifts, the whole nine yards. And one year Ernesto surprised me with a breakfast out before he had to head off to work. I actually forgot our anniversary that year. It was a good thing he took me out to breakfast so I had a whole day to come up with a gift idea. I can't remember if I ever told him or not. Well, he knows now! Sorry honey!
At 6:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy anniversary!
God, I love this post.
At 11:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Anniversary!
At 12:33 PM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Anniversary! Damon and I forgot ours (#11) this year - we figured it out when we got a card from his mom the next day.
At 12:50 AM,
Idaho Dad said…
We've celebrated 16 anniversaries and I can only remember one of them that was out-of-the-ordinary... The first year, we stayed in resort and had some fancy meal. It was so long ago I barely remember it. Since then we've managed to underwhelm ourselves every anniversary. Since the kids came along we usually go to some family-friendly restaurant with them. This year's event was... Hmmm... Pizza rings a bell, but I'm not sure.
Oh well... Happy Anniversary to you!
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