"Dude, It's Soooo Hot"

I just found our little man, Whisky, as you see him here, propped up by the front door. Note the vacant expression. Either he's really not enjoying the 90+ weather or he was hitting the cat nip a bit hard last night. I caught him sitting just like this last weekend but the memory card on my camera was full and I missed the shot. The dear boy was kind enough to pose a second time.
At 5:24 PM,
Idaho Dad said…
One of our cats does that... It's like he wants to be a human, so imitates the way we sit.
At 9:19 PM,
Kristen said…
That's so funny...I don't think I've ever seen another cat do this before, but then I've had some cats that did far stranger things.
At 1:02 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh my god. My cat does that. Then, out of the blue, he'll just start licking his belly maniacally.
But I loooove your cat's expression. Like maybe he's lost in thoughts about plotting his next attack.
At 6:45 AM,
Anonymous said…
I love it when my cat does that. The only thing funnier would be if he was smoking a cigarette.
At 7:24 AM,
Alyssa said…
That is hilarious. He could have it worse - he could be in Chicago.
At 7:40 AM,
Cat Jordan said…
He does look like he could use a Bud Light or something. LOL. Rosie just lets it all hang out laying around with her belly exposed. When you're hot, your hot, eh?
At 11:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
omg, Jenny, now I have an image of my cat smoking a cigarette. I'm laughing. uncontrollably.
At 2:41 PM,
Kristen said…
This all reminds me of a picture that someone in my house growing up took of Jasper, the family cat. He was sitting on the front porch, a dazed expression on his face and someone had placed a can of Budweiser just so in front of them so it looked liked he'd been drinking it. He also had a tendency to drool, which only enhanced the effect.
At 3:21 PM,
Debbie said…
I love a soft, fuzzy cat belly, all exposed. there is nothing more fabulous.
unless it's an exposed cat belly attached to a dazed, listless kitty, just begging to have his tummy rubbed to pieces.
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