A Love Affair Ends
It ended last night.
There was a space in the air, filled with a kind of white noise and it measured the distance between Ernesto and I on the couch. We looked at each other, knowing things wouldn't be the same, ever, and that what we had shared together would be remembered more like a dream, images so clear and real for a while and then slowly evaporating, until only bits and pieces remained in our memory, making us doubt we had been through any of it at all. I'm going to miss all the drama, the laughter, the passion... even the violence. I'd bring it all back if I could.
But we've watched the last episode of Firefly on DVD and I don't know what to do now.
Damn you Fox. You had the best thing ever and you blew it, and you can't get it back now.
There was a space in the air, filled with a kind of white noise and it measured the distance between Ernesto and I on the couch. We looked at each other, knowing things wouldn't be the same, ever, and that what we had shared together would be remembered more like a dream, images so clear and real for a while and then slowly evaporating, until only bits and pieces remained in our memory, making us doubt we had been through any of it at all. I'm going to miss all the drama, the laughter, the passion... even the violence. I'd bring it all back if I could.
But we've watched the last episode of Firefly on DVD and I don't know what to do now.
Damn you Fox. You had the best thing ever and you blew it, and you can't get it back now.
At 8:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Isn't Firefly amazing? I had borrowed the box set from a friend at work awhile back, and after watching the first few eps. I gave it back to him and bought my own copy!
I assume you've seen Serenity, right? What an amazing movie. Whedon did such a perfect job balancing making it accessabile to folks who had never seen the show (like my wife, who loved the movie and after seeing it devoured the series in like three sittings), and further developing the story and setting.
At 9:07 AM,
Kristen said…
We really enjoyed it alot...I've liked most of Joss Whedon's stuff, but this was particularly good. Like your wife, I saw the movie first and I was hooked in the first minute and wished I had seen the series. Then we borrowed the set a couple weeks ago from a friend and we'd watch an episode (or two)every couple days or so. We waited a bit before watching this last one because we knew it was the end. A sad attempt at trying to make it last longer...As short lived as it was, I'd prefer to see a show die young than watch it wither away for years. But at least one more season would have been good...
At 9:52 AM,
Flea said…
OMG Kristen you are bad!! You almost made me think you guys split up! and that you are posting about it as therapy!! Ok, heart rhythm back to normal now.
Haven't heard about Firefly yet but are now curious! Will see what I can find out here in the land of Oz :)
Have a great weekend!
At 1:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
We went through the same experience last winter. Rented the whole series via Netflix and then.... nothing left.
Recently we've tried to fill that void with the new Battlestar Galactica series. Not at ALL like the 1970's version. Easy on the special effects, good character development, nice plot twists and mind games, etc. Not trying to be a Star Wars or Star Trek kind of series.
The early stuff up until the current season is available via DVD.
Just a thought... It's not a perfect fill for Firefly, but it's still pretty good.
At 8:55 PM,
Kristen said…
Hannelie- You don't have to ever worry about me being too serious on my blog...Though I am seriously sad about that show. The Fox network is notorious for canceling really good progams. I just don't know what their deal is...
Scott-We might check that series out...if nothing else, it's nice to be able to watch episodes from a series back to back like that. No commercials and it just kind of keeps you in this rhythm of sorts.
At 11:37 AM,
Baba said…
I don't know "Firefly," but I've felt the same way about other good shows that networks foolishly axed.
I really liked your amusing "trick" intro' on this post. Funny!
Thanks also, for your comment (at Occupation: Dad). ("I have to pooooop! ...") That's funny. Our son has started a thing where sometimes he doesn't want to interrupt what he's doing to go to the bathroom. So he'll start doing this "potty dance" and emitting strange high-pitched noises. Either we have to goad him to go right away or he'll sprint to the bathroom at the last minute. Is it so hard to just get up quietly and go to the washroom? [Comments link]
At 8:49 PM,
Kristen said…
Baba- It's funny, but I know that for many years in my adult, "pre-kid" life you would never have heard me say the word "poop". Ever. Now it gets kicked around several dozen times daily. It might as well be a conjunction.
At 9:47 PM,
Idaho Dad said…
Kristen, here's another HUGE recommendation for the new Battlestar Galactica. You'll be hooked in the first 20 minutes of the miniseries, and then you've got two whole seasons to keep you happy. When the second season finale aired a few months ago, I was totally depressed by the thought that I had to wait until October to see what happened.
We're also big fans of Firefly... I wonder if it will ever be back with movie sequels. I think it's possible Whedon might revisit it at some point.
Oh, I just remembered another show that you might like (also canceled too soon)... Dead Like Me, the Showtime series about grim reapers in Seattle. There are two seasons on DVD. It took a couple of episodes to get over the depressing aspects of it, but after that we were hooked by the characters and situations. Warning: Lots of profanity (it was a cable show, after all).
We're currently watching The 4400, a Sci-Fi channel series that has two seasons on DVD. Compelling stuff about UFO abductees returning to earth. Some bad acting in the first season, but it gets better as it goes along.
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