Raindrops, Gutters and Ball Pits...Oh My

Our state has been hit hard with rain and many towns are experiencing flooding in the streets, homes and businesses. It has rained for many, many days. I think total accumulation is upwards of 10 inches. So far the new house is holding up, so we are counting our blessings. The pansies I planted out front however, are feeling the brutal effects of no gutters along the roof line above them. I noticed this when I planted them and placed them in such a way as to protect them from any direct hits from cascading rain water, but this has been too much rain, gutters or no, and they look beaten down, poor little things.
The kids I'm feeling badly for, too, but in a different way. They are a little wound up from not being able to play outside. I am a little wound up, myself and while I'm happy to not have to be watering the grass twice a day any more, (I'm fairly certain I will not need to water again for the remainder of the season) I could stand to get outside and feel some sunshine again. I'm directing my energy toward another painting project, so I have an outlet, but the kids just need to get out and run around a bit or they go nutty. Ernesto's mom sent Sofia out an early birthday present and just in time, too. It's one of those inflatable bouncers that's shaped like a castle with all the plastic balls that you can jump into. She gave us the go-ahead to get it set up early so that the kids could get some exercise and have a little fun. We put it in the rec room in the basement and Ernesto couldn't get the thing blown up fast enough. They were jumping all over it before he even got the bottom half inflated. They were dinging each other off the head with those colorful, plastic balls in no time and so... the day was saved.
And now we've got a raft in case the rain doesn't stop. Gracias, Abue!
At 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, poor Ernesto, LOL! It's been many a dad who's had his lungs fried out due to these super-fun childhood toys! Did it make him lightheaded?
At 12:15 PM,
Cat Jordan said…
That looks like so much fun! The boys have a little inflatable ball pit thingy too, and getting hit with balls gets old... lol. Rain, rain, go away!!!!
At 10:59 PM,
Flea said…
Inflatables, aahhh what will we do with out them? Our rain season is due to start too here in WA so I'm already not looking forward to it even thought I know we desperately needs it.
At 11:41 PM,
Kristen said…
Jody-Don't feel too badly for Ernesto...he was using this little shop vac we have that has a reverse function to inflate things with. It's a good thing because there are several chambers in this bad boy that need to be blown up and it would have taken him all day to do it that way. He did have to use the foot pump for a while after the vac overheated, so I guess his instep got a good work out at least. Sun finally appeared today for a bit..yay!
At 2:39 PM,
Anonymous said…
Just in my own defense, I did call and ask Kristin whether they would be interested in the "jumpolene castle" before I ordered it... And in Ernie's defense, he didn't get to give me input, so if it was not a pleasant experience, I'm really sorry!
At 3:27 PM,
Kristen said…
Abue- Or are you kidding?? This thing is fantastic! The kids just love it and it was such a great diversion for them with the awful weather...Our thanks was most sincere!
At 4:19 AM,
Idaho Dad said…
The ballpit looks like fun. We used to have a little one, but when my son was about 3 he jumped into it headfirst and hit his head on the wall behind it. Then he never wanted to play with it again.
We do have one of those blow-up bouncers, which has seen a lot of activity on rainy and winter days.
At 10:26 PM,
Kristen said…
Phil- Yeah, it was great to have during our recent "rainy season". So far no injuries like your son endured, but both my kids have bonked heads (with each other) more than once. We have a "go slow" policy when entering it, but David still manages to pull off a jump or two into it when he thinks I'm not watching.
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