Near Perfect Day

We took a trip over to Bear Brook State Park yesterday and had a fantastic time. We thought because of the holiday weekend it might be crazy crowded, but there weren't many people around. We plopped ourselves near the little beach and the kids played on swings, slides, in the water, did a little fishing (David caught two fish while poor Daddy got skunked) and we even got to watch a family of ducks looking for food along the shore. Sofia was just about in heaven. If it weren't for the mosquitoes, it would have been absolutely perfect. We grilled out and had some angus tenderloin tips with marinated veggies. The fresh air and running around jump started the kids' appetites. Sofia didn't bother with the bits of steak I had cut up for her- she just grabbed a hunk of meat and treated it like a chicken tender. Really, who needs forks?
All I can say is we need more three-day weekends...
At 1:02 AM,
Flea said…
I agree, I love long weekends too. We always try and do a 'family thing' but hubby works shifts so it's a bit hard sometimes too. Lovely pictures!
At 8:46 AM,
Kristen said…
Even when there's the time for an outing and everyone is available to go, there's still all that packing to do, even if you're only going 20 minutes away. I find myself trying to prepare for any possible always includes extra changes of clothes for the kids. One of these days I'll smarten up and bring a change for myself.
At 2:12 AM,
Flea said…
Oh that's so true, and when we go to Grandma's I pack a bag of toys so that Liam doesn't get bored there but her ornaments still win. I keep spare nappies and wetwipes in the pram, car, bike trailer and baby bag, everywhere and now that winter is here for us it's a extra jumper as well with topshirt and pants...Oh and my coat.
One day we will travel light.
At 1:33 AM,
Idaho Dad said…
If it weren't for the mosquitoes, it would have been absolutely perfect.
Isn't that the way it always is?
I used to be afraid of bees, but then I learned to be more annoyed at the mosquitoes.
We just bought some kayaks, so the packing is limited to what will fit in the hatches. Should be interesting.
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