As you can see the look of my site has changed. It changed once and then today E changed it yet again (as I had predicted). He wasn't completely happy with the finished product so he hunkered down in the office for a while and fussed with it some more. Of course what I call "fussing" is actually quite a bit of work and I appreciate it much more than I let on here. Anyway, we were going for something playful, with a little more character than the old template allowed. Strangely enough, David was able to recognize himself in the picture, even with all the photoshop work. He thought it was pretty funny. I'm sure there will be some more tweaks along the way, so please excuse the construction. I'm also hoping to enable a very silly feature for the "comments" section. You'll know it when you see it...
At 9:26 AM,
Ernesto Burden said…
Your great writing deserved an updated wrapper for sure. That Blogger template was old, and oft seen around the Web. Props to Rick for suggesting that we give you and the kids slightly more in the face department. I really like the pop art cutouts, but the totally blank faces were a bit creepy upon reflection. Hinting at features seems to have improved the situation. And I'll welcome a chance to see your beautiful face any time I get the chance, so it felt good to add it back to the picture!
At 7:20 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hi there, I was just looking around and happened to stumble upon your blog. I think this is really cool, and ur writing is awesome.
Will definately read here more often from now on..
At 7:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
The design looks awesome! Makes mine look grey and dull in comparison. So jealous.
At 10:43 PM,
Kristen said…
Hey, it's like CommentPalooza here! Thanks to you all for coming by. E- you've earned yourself some points there with your flattery... Kiran- Thanks for coming by; I'm in the midst of a rare blogging frenzy in which I'm feeling compelled to write often, and I've no shortage of material here, just short on time! Jenny-I can't take any credit for the design; it was all Ernesto's doing. I could have had several smiley faces bouncing across my blog page and I would have been happy with it. In fact that's what I wanted but he said no.
At 5:29 AM,
Flea said…
Kristen it's lovely...I almost thought oh dear, where am I now, what went wrong and did a double check. I am also now thinking, mmmm new look comming soon, mine is also a bit 'all over the place' many use the template and their's no individuality. But I'm not THAT computer literate when it comes to changing things big time, but I'll try.
Love it....
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