Questions Concerning Caillou
I thought Dora was going to ultimately drive me to an early grave, but it seems "Caillou" (with an equally large head, oddly enough) has taken her place amongst the shows that make me grind my teeth the most. Airing on PBS, "Caillou" is a four year-old boy who lives with his mom, dad and younger sister, Rosie. They have a cat named Gilbert who has his own little side show between each short episode, in which he is featured as a puppet and hangs out with Caillou's favorite stuffed animals who are also puppets. This part is a little confusing for the younger kids. It also seems to bore them to tears. Anyway, the show follows Caillou throughout his day to day life and he learns lessons and shows his emotions and all that good stuff. It's also narrated by some older lady who is constantly telling us how Caillou is feeling, from moment to moment. I can see why the kids enjoy this, but it drives me bonkers. Yeah, we see that he's crying. He's frustrated that he has to pick up all his toys before he can eat his pudding. It's okay to feel that way. Oh, his dad is frustrated now, too. Better pick up those toys, Caillou! Daddy looks like he could use a drink!
So while the kids occasionally enjoy the show, they do have some questions about him:
"Why does Caillou keep saying each day he grows some more but he doesn't look like he's growing, ever?"
"Why does everyone on Caillou always wear the same clothes?"
"Why is Caillou bald? What happened to all his hair? Will I be bald when I turn four?" the creators seem to think kids don't notice that.
"What kind of crazy name is that? I don't know anyone named that."
"Why does he have such a whiny voice?" Okay, that one was mine.
Have you got cartoon questions you'd like answered? Well, I most likely can't help you with them, but I'd be happy to commiserate.
So while the kids occasionally enjoy the show, they do have some questions about him:
"Why does Caillou keep saying each day he grows some more but he doesn't look like he's growing, ever?"
"Why does everyone on Caillou always wear the same clothes?"
"Why is Caillou bald? What happened to all his hair? Will I be bald when I turn four?" the creators seem to think kids don't notice that.
"What kind of crazy name is that? I don't know anyone named that."
"Why does he have such a whiny voice?" Okay, that one was mine.
Have you got cartoon questions you'd like answered? Well, I most likely can't help you with them, but I'd be happy to commiserate.
At 5:53 PM,
Ernesto Burden said…
I'd like to know what Space Ghost does in his free time. And where Aeon Flux (the cartoon, not the Charlize Theron version) buys her diet pills... Oh, wait did you mean kids' cartoons? In that case, I have a few serious questions about Smurf reproduction...
At 9:57 AM,
Anonymous said…
Michelle and I used to joke endlessly that no matter what Caillou did, never did his parents pulse rate *ever* rise. EVER.
Ohhh, did Caillou just burn down the house? Caillou, you should always ask before you play with the grill.
Caillou, you really should not have put Gilbert in the microwave.
We'd have fun making up scenarios. Even the kids got a chuckle out of it.
At 11:03 PM,
Kristen said…
E-I think that show IS what Space Ghost does in his free time. Aeon Flux is actually a big spider, she doesn't take diet pills. Her other six legs are invisible (it's what makes her a deadly weapon!) And the Smurfs...well, there were no female smurfs until Gargamel created Smurfette, so...umm, I think it's just best not to touch that one.
At 11:06 PM,
Kristen said…
Scott- Yeah, Caillou's parents must be taking something good to be able to listen to that voice and remain so serene. Also, Caillou's dad can build and paint a toybox from scratch in about 5 seconds. David wanted to know why I didn't build him one. He shames us all...
At 12:36 AM,
M said…
Hi, Kristen: Thanks for leaving the comments on my page. Here are the answers to your questions from your "Caillou" posting:
(i) "What kind of crazy name is that? I don't know anyone named that."
Caillou is French for "rock" or "stone."
(ii) "Why does Caillou keep saying each day he grows some more but he doesn't look like he's growing, ever?"
Well . . . it's because he's a rock, and rocks usually don't get bigger.
(iii) "Why does everyone on Caillou always wear the same clothes?"
Rocks are very frugal when it comes to their wardrobe.
(iv) "Why is Caillou bald? What happened to all his hair?"
Rocks are not known to grow hair. Well, at least rocks on this planet.
(v) "Why does he have such a whiny voice?"
If you were a bald rock wearing the same clothing every day, wouldn't you whine, too?
At 8:50 PM,
Kristen said…
Well, that explains why my kids like that show so much. They love pet rocks.
At 10:26 AM,
Anonymous said…
At 5:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
Check this site out
--- Priya
At 8:38 PM,
Anonymous said…
I think Caillou has been dying of luekemia for awhile and eventually there will be an episode where his mom explains what chemotherapy is and why he has no hair. Thats why his parents are so nice and patient, because they know he is dying. It all makes sense now doesn't it?
At 2:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
oh good, I thought that I was the only adult who couldn't stand that little peckerhead. I have always wondered why a child that age would be bald. Does he have cancer or alopecia?. Why is he so darn whiny? At least Rosie is ok.
At 6:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am sooo glad that I'm not the only one who can't stand Caillou! I have to listen to him for about 2 hours a day because my daughter has realized that we have DVR! I always kind of liked the parents though...they're fat. I like the fact that everyone looks like a normal person and is not perfect...but Caillou definitely has to go..>I know it's his show, but make Rosie the star. She's better.
At 8:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
I hate that bald bastard too. My son loves him and my wife keeps DVRing new eposides.
I still need to know the real reason why he is bald.. ITS KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!
At 4:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am a stay at home mom and I can't stand it when my 3 year old watches it. I can't stand his round and bald head.I also have a 3 and a half year old son.He is worried that when he turns 4 that his hair will fall out and his head will turn round. He even thinks his voice will change.He cries almost every day because he is worried so much.Also my daughter thinks she will be like Rosy.I can't stand it!!!
At 12:16 PM,
Dee said…
Found this on Wikipedia:
In French, caillou usually means "pebble" or "stone", but it can also mean "bald head", which was most likely the writer's intention. The action of the story takes place in Canada, though that is never explicitly referenced in the dialogue.
At 10:46 AM,
Anonymous said…
I completely disagree that the Dad gets frustrated. No matter what, Caillou's parents never seem to get upset.
At 3:49 PM,
Unknown said…
I agree that Caillou IS annoying but it is better than Barney, which we had to watch for what seemed like forever! It seems like all kids like him since the show has been running for what, 10 years? I guess we better bite the bullet.
At 2:46 PM,
Anonymous said…
Ok, this dialouge is the funniest thing I have read in a long time. I nearly peed my pants from laughing so hard. I actually find Caillou refreshing after years of Dora, Diego and Team Geotrax, All Aboard!!!
At 7:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
The sad thing is I specifically got on-line to see why this kid is bald. I didn't know if I should feel bad that he has a health problem or that he was just drawn that way.....I need to go do some adult things right now!!!
At 11:34 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well, our family's questions have been answered! Thanks you everyone from The Buckley's
At 2:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
i've always hated Caillou's Bald ass head
and i alwayz thought he was a girl with cancer..
this definitely cleared some questions
At 2:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
i just finished watching it with my nephew...and like most people here i was wondering if the kid had guessing he does as he seems to get away with acting like a brat ALL the time...i cant believe Gilbert (the cat) puts up with him...and ROSEY will soon beat him up...but i digress...thanks 4 listening...
At 12:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
thanks for the link to the pbs site explaining why he is bald (which, by the way, is a really stupid answer). kids don't notice? come on, give them a little more credit. anyway, i'm glad i'm not the only one asking this question...i finally got tired of having to listen to that show while my little sister watches it, and decided that i AT LEAST had to know why he was bald in order to stomach it.
At 10:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm a mom of two with alopecia universalis and I don't appreciate the comments about baldness. I'm personally happy to find a children's show with a bald character...helps me and my children feel more normal about my condition and expose other children to people who may not have hair.
At 1:41 PM,
Unknown said…
I just thank God that other parents hate the annoying little bleep. His head is HUGE, bald anf no one else's is! not his friends and not even his family! Is there some unknown tumor?? Why the hell do all the kids randomly giggle at nothing? My kids don't, another disorder maybe? Someone kill that damn old woman with the annoying voice please?!?
At 2:11 PM,
Anonymous said…
Well, Little Bill is another bald headed boy no one mentioned. Kids don't seem to realize he looks just like his father. But he's no where near as disobedient or annoying as Caillou. You know his parents would spank him lol. Little Bill is just about one of the most perfect little kids I've ever seen.
At 6:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
I agree - this was the funniest thing I have read in a long time! I nearly peed my pants from laughing so hard...and I too have to admit...I specifically went online to find out too..I thought I was DONE with this little creep after my 10 y/o daughter used to watch this as a toddler...but now I have a 2 y/o som & a 1 y/o daughter who love it...I've always thought he was a whine bag and Rosie was gonna sock him one day!
At 4:22 PM,
laurapie37 said…
This is so hilarious. I love that there is a web site dedicated to Caillou-bashing! My boyfriend and i have been curious about Caillous' male pattern baldness for a couple of years now. Our daughter loves the show, but we sit and make fun of it. Which I guess is kinda wrong because maybe he does have some kind of cancer none of us ever hear mentioned...
At 2:43 PM,
Anonymous said…
I don't know what I would do if I had a child like Cailou. His voice is too much. Is he sick and slow in mental developement? He's bald and odd.
Now another question I have to know is... Is the Cailous mom pregnant, or is that post baby weight? Her clothes scream maternity. But, no one mentions it. Like the kids bald head.
At 8:35 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am the mother of a 4 year old boy with alopecia (he lost all of the hair on his head) and was actually very happy to find a show depicting a child with a bald head. He loves the show and was also happy to find a character who looks similar to him. And I really hope that all of the rude intolerant people on here making mean comments about baldness aren't saying these things in front of their children and thus teaching them to be as intolerant and rude as they are.
At 12:13 PM,
kristen said…
Just a note to say that while yes, Caillou is annoying at times, my own girls do like the show and no, to those who were upset by the comments, I don't think anyone here had said anything mean concerning real life children with real disorders in which they cannot grow hair. I don't think any decent person would make fun of such a child. Sorry if anyone's comments have personally offended you, but keep in mind they are only making fun of a fictional character and not any real child.
At 10:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Did everyone forget Carlie Brown's gigantic bald head? Ok, maybe he had 3 hairs??
At 1:50 AM,
Brooke said…
Okay, so I realize I am years late to this, but we just started watching it and the baldness is eating away at me. If they don't want us to notice, why did they give his family luscious heads of hair?
I always thought he had Alopecia.
At 11:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
I got on-line today while my son watches this mess of a show wanting to know who does the voice of Caillou? I keep thinking it's a woman. You know, like the woman that voices Bart Simpson? Not her, but another woman with a high annoying voice. Ugh. Someone put me out of my misery. Could it possibly be a guy? Or kids, like the Backyardigans (whom I personally like the best and Nick has practically stopped showing it where I am). Anyways, thanks for giving me a place to vent. Caillou haters anonymous!
At 10:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
You people should maybe consider an anger management course to discover why a sweet children's program like Caillou should bother you so much. I must admit I too am on this web site because my 3 year old daughter and I were wondering why Caillou has no hair...this turned out to not be very helpful. I personally love Cailou as does my daughter, and it's Ok for children to learn to accept someone who doesn't look like the norm. So, lighten up, and set an example of how we treat someone diffrent from us.....and I think most children don't notice....until WE point it out...and even then don't care. Caillou lovers annonymous
At 3:06 PM,
zaci said…
I'd like to know if caillou's parents have jobs or do they have so much money they don't have to work?Today dad took him to the airport on a whim just to hear the planes.Maybe I should have married caillou's dad.My husband doesn't just take the kids out like that cuz he's always working.
At 1:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
God forbid any thing ever happens to all of your perfect children!! They are needed to save this forsaken world from all the imperfect children like mine.
Get a grip, so he is bald! Maybe instead of WHINING about it (how ironic that you are all so concerned about his whining!) maybe use it as an opportunity to teach your perfect children that some kids are DIFFERENT instead of teaching them to JUDGE!
We have only one person in our family with alopecia, so yes it is possible that he is the only one, although it is not officially the reason that he is bald. I don't know many cartoons who change their clothes on a regular basis, because it would create a lot of extra work for the artists, and he's whiny because he's 4! His parents don't get mad because it is a Kids show... You all would probably complain louder if they were yelling and spanking him!
Pathetic. If you don't like it, then don't watch it! If you 'have to' watch it just because your kid likes it, then ask yourself why. Maybe because your kid isnt so perfect and might whine if you say No??
To Kristen, everything I have read IS making fun OF his differences, not simply making fun of a fictional character. If he was drawn with only one arm, would you all still be making fun? Probably. Because different is somehow still unacceptable to ignorant people.
At 9:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
little bill can suck it!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 9:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
like a pudding pop!!!!!!!!
At 9:52 PM,
Anonymous said…
you all suck my pudding pop, peace bitches
At 6:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Yeah, Bill's hair is assumed to be a haircut that his dad shares. My nephew, obsessed w/ Little Bill wanted to shave his head. After 2 years of begging, he was allowed to for the summer. When the barber turned him to the mirror Pale Boy burst ino tears, "I wanted to look like Little Bill but he is brown. I just .look like a alien." Bald Caucasian boy = cancer, alopecia or alien. I like that there is no explanation
At 6:24 AM,
Anonymous said…
I like that there is no explanation. We will meet people thoughout life that are "different" and we are owed no explanation. Caillou doesn't have to be the spokesperson for alopecia, cancer or anything else.
At 9:22 PM,
Unknown said…
Yo, me and my frinds are on oovoo nd we r tlking bout hi bd as head now lol why the fuck would u ut a kid thru that ind uf humiliantion lol but it sure is funny to see another person who is bald like my science teacher...maybe he has cancer
At 12:32 PM,
Bitchhhh said…
He's Bald Because The Creators Ran Out Of Brown Colored Pencil To Finish His Hair.
At 12:53 PM,
Anonymous said…
Caillou's parents must be the easiest-going people in the world. Like Scott said, they would never get mad mad about anything.
Or they never say no.
Mommy, can i push Rosie off a cliff?
Sure, honey! But daddy has the car at work, so we'll have to ride the subway!
At 1:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I am so glad that i am not the only one who loves making fun of Caillou. I watched the show when i was a kid and loved it, but now i see why it's so wierd. A bald kid with a whiny voice that gets whatever he wants and can blow up the white house without his parents getting mad. It's not only wierd, it's creepy. My son wonders why he has a huge head, no hair, and the smallest face ever! all you other people who posted stuff making fun of the kid, I'm with you!
At 1:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
if you want creepy, pretend his nose is his mouth.
At 1:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Ok We Need Some More Mean Comments Cause Theese "Well My Kidss" And "Well Little Bill" comments arent Funyn i came up here to laughhhhh!!!!1
At 12:13 AM,
Anonymous said…
Damn bald ass kidd.
At 5:05 PM,
Anonymous said…
So glad to read others feel the same way - thought I was just getting old and grouchy -- my granddaughter loves him but also has me fast forward through the puppet segment ( who got that idea?) Caillou is so whiny and a loser -- remember the episode where he wanted to win a ribbon and the only one he could win was for not laughing? basically winning for being a sourpuss! It has been fun reading these comments
At 12:17 AM,
Anonymous said…
Well, I LOVE Caillou!! Because it keeps my 1 & 4 yr old hypnotised for a good hour or so... that's how I get my "Mommy time" ;)
At 12:23 AM,
Anonymous said…
I still wanna know if this kid has cancer or not!! Why would they draw him bald if they're not gonna tell us!?!
At 12:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
You know who I hate more than that bitch caillou?! That stupid chicken named "Chikka"! On the Sprout channel, now that bitch is REALLY annoying!!! I just wanna shoot myself when I hear that bitch!!! Its an evrynight thing!!! Ahhhh!!!
At 11:03 PM,
camdenangelique said…
Has everyone forgotten Charlie Brown??? He's
bald, too. Maybe caillou is the secret grandson of Charlie Brown & Lucy.
At 1:27 PM,
Ryan Sandnes said…
I can't stand this fucking show either. I call him "Ca-lou" because that's how its spelled. I hate everything from the name of the show (Where do you get the "y" sound from an "L". Dickheads) to the little baby voice being made clearly by an adult. Nothing frustrates me more than a grown person trying to pretend they are little. The old lady narrator drives me up the wall as well.
Max and Ruby are a close second to things that aggravate the piss out of me, but now that's just getting off topic.
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