Cool Sounds
I came across this website one day when David asked what sound a whale makes. I tried poorly to imitate one and I think I strained my larynx, so I just looked it up online. What would I do without the internet?? Anyway, the link features whale, dinosaur, storm and space sounds all very cool. Whether or not you've got kids, you'll find it fascinating. Or maybe I'm just a geek. A geek whose learning a lot from her kids, that is.
At 9:02 PM,
Anonymous said…
Hey, at least that sound effects site is a little more highbrow than the one I was playing around with today:
You're a grown-up trying to enrich your kid's lives. I'm a sophomoric man-child. ;)
At 10:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
What my old boss and I used to like to do was collect famous movie quotes as little MP3 files. Search the internet and you can find most of them. Then, as the absurdity of typical office life requirements gets you down, you can always attach an appropriate quotation to a response email. Bugs Bunny quotes were among my favorite. "Ahhh, what a maroon!" "Of course you know this means war!" etc. He liked Spinal Tap "but this one goes to eleven" and Indiana Jones "we have Top Men working on this... Top Men!"
At 8:10 AM,
Flea said…
Yeah, another normal cool mum!
We play around with the e-mail alert sound...'you've've've got maaailll!'
Currently we have a watery wavey sound when e-mails pop in, the speakers are loud and we all run together to check who e-mailed us no matter what we're doing!
At 2:32 PM,
Kristen said…
John- Hey, it's no fun if you don't remain a little bit of a kid, right?
Scott- I would love to have some quotes from Spinal Tap at the ready. That just never gets old...
Hannelie- That got me thinking that maybe I should have a whale sound alert me when I have email. Oh, but a howler monkey or something like that would be even cooler...
At 8:20 AM,
Flea said…
That will be hillarious, I can see you all running already!
The site we found even had some Elvis-type, and Rock 'n Roll "YOu got Mail" 's on them...I'll send you the link if I can find it again.
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