Primary teeth
Isobel celebrated her very first NH primary election by cutting her very first tooth. What amazing timing she has. See, even at 9 mos. she has a wicked keen sense of humor.
David and Sofia marked the occasion by having their own mock election here at home. Sofia circled two names on her ballot so I guess her vote would have been thrown out if it weren't for the fact that I'm her mom and I get to make up the election rules. "Everybody's a winner!" I declared since all three of us had voted for different candidates. And I allowed them to vote in both the Republican and Democratic races, but like I said, I make the rules here!
I took David with me to the polls last night and he got to experience standing in line for fifteen minutes. "See? Isn't voting fun?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes. He did like putting the ballot in the electronic ballot sucker. He wanted to know what that other, even longer line was for.
"Those are the people who haven't registered yet."
"Why didn't they register yet?"
"Maybe they thought it would be fun to wait in line, too."
Anyway, easily the biggest turnout I have ever seen. Glad to see people getting out there to vote, cutting their Primary teeth.
David and Sofia marked the occasion by having their own mock election here at home. Sofia circled two names on her ballot so I guess her vote would have been thrown out if it weren't for the fact that I'm her mom and I get to make up the election rules. "Everybody's a winner!" I declared since all three of us had voted for different candidates. And I allowed them to vote in both the Republican and Democratic races, but like I said, I make the rules here!
I took David with me to the polls last night and he got to experience standing in line for fifteen minutes. "See? Isn't voting fun?" I asked him. He rolled his eyes. He did like putting the ballot in the electronic ballot sucker. He wanted to know what that other, even longer line was for.
"Those are the people who haven't registered yet."
"Why didn't they register yet?"
"Maybe they thought it would be fun to wait in line, too."
Anyway, easily the biggest turnout I have ever seen. Glad to see people getting out there to vote, cutting their Primary teeth.
At 2:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
So how many candidates did you run into out on the streets during the campaign?
It must be fun being a NH voter and having your vote count so much. I'm glad MA moved their primary date up, but my vote will probably still be a useless protest vote since it'll probably be a fait accompli by then. But we'll see...
I'm glad people are voting. It always irked me that 30% turnout was considered 'good'!
At 3:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
I also am glad to know some people whose vote in the primary will have some significance. Living in FL, the land of the hanging chad, inaccurate touch screen voting machines, and NOW having our primary vote invalidaded by the Democratic party for having moved the election up too soon, it begins to feel like an exercise in futility even pondering who the best primary candidate will be. I guess I'll just save my energy to see who comes out on the final ballot in November! Interesting how these glitches always seem to hurt the Democrats and favor the Republicans... If it weren't for the weather, I probably wouldn't stay!
At 4:20 PM,
Kristen said…
J.- I didn't actually run into any of them, which I would have enjoyed. But it was funny because just about everywhere they were reported having been, I had been there at one time or another. Much of the activity was taking place right on the East side of the river, not far at all from where we live. Ernesto is on the edit board at the paper so he got to meet and interview almost all of the candidates. And hey, a protest vote still sends a message, so it's not useless...
Peg- Yeah, it's going to take at least a couple generations for the chad incident to dissipate...Oh, but we up here are having some lovely weather for this time of year!
At 8:50 PM,
Anonymous said…
I took Josh with me to vote too. He'd been talking about it for a week and was very into it. Even at 10:30 there was quite a crowd. Lucky for us the registration line wasn't too long ;) I was kicking myself when I realized I hadn't registered when we moved.
Oh, and YAY for Isobel! I bet she starts sleeping better!
At 10:11 AM,
Cat Jordan said…
Every time we saw the news around that time, there were reporters all over the place up in NH. I always stared at the coverage, fully expecting to see you in the shot. And why not? You are totatlly one of those bystanders that poke their heads into a camera shot, you know it. I did still look out for you all, though. Made me miss NH.
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