December break down
Seems like lately things have been falling apart on me. It's funny, but I had a dream in which a broke a big mirror and someone reminded me that was bad luck, and since everything I touch seems to fall apart. Of course I also dreamed I was a martial arts expert and could beat up bad guys with a flick of my wrist. So needless to say my dreams don't usually come true.
So first the lights on the tree stopped working and I had to replace them. Now half of the lights on the new strand are out as well. Do you think I'll replace these as well? Hell no! If the tree wants to be all moody like that it's fine with me.
Then my windshield wiper broke. No big deal.
Now the washing machine is broken. REALLY broken. Broken to the point of "it will cost over $400 to fix this" broken. And I got to shell out seventy bucks for the privilege of having a surly man tell me that. But hey, when it gets too cold outside for the kids to play in the snow they can just sled down the growing mountain of laundry in my basement. It's soft and warm, if not a little covered in baby spittle. See, I can always find the silver lining, I just have to dig down really deep.
On a much brighter note, my mom came to visit and cooked us a fabulous meal as she always does upon arrival and then the next night Ernesto and I got to go out for another fabulous meal while she watched the kiddos. A couple glasses of wine and some foie gras can really help you forget about all the dirty laundry you'll have to do on Christmas Eve.
So first the lights on the tree stopped working and I had to replace them. Now half of the lights on the new strand are out as well. Do you think I'll replace these as well? Hell no! If the tree wants to be all moody like that it's fine with me.
Then my windshield wiper broke. No big deal.
Now the washing machine is broken. REALLY broken. Broken to the point of "it will cost over $400 to fix this" broken. And I got to shell out seventy bucks for the privilege of having a surly man tell me that. But hey, when it gets too cold outside for the kids to play in the snow they can just sled down the growing mountain of laundry in my basement. It's soft and warm, if not a little covered in baby spittle. See, I can always find the silver lining, I just have to dig down really deep.
On a much brighter note, my mom came to visit and cooked us a fabulous meal as she always does upon arrival and then the next night Ernesto and I got to go out for another fabulous meal while she watched the kiddos. A couple glasses of wine and some foie gras can really help you forget about all the dirty laundry you'll have to do on Christmas Eve.
At 4:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
I feel your pain. I had one day recently when I had car trouble AND my septic backed up. $750 for the car, $350 for the plumber, $175 for septic pumping, and the soon to come septic repair for who knows how much...I might need my own blog so I can whine properly. We really need a girls night out.
At 3:16 PM,
HLiza said…
Oh things seem to fall apart at the most unwanted time! Grandmas coming over for cooking delicious meals and looking after kids are real blessing! Laundry on Christmas Eve is something that you'll remember for a long time..good luck!
At 10:40 PM,
Kristen said…
Annette- Ugh...that sounds awful. I can definitely sympathize, especially with the car bit. Ernesto's car is always requiring one repair or another. Yes! Girl's night out should be our top priority in the new year!
Hliza- My mother's oven stopped working one Thanksgiving (or was it Christmas?) either way, she could cook all this food she had but in some ways it was a blessing. She got to have a break from cooking all that food for once! Oh, and new washer has been installed and the mountain of laundry is slowly shrinking!
At 1:44 PM,
Barbara Frank said…
Glad you stopped by my blog since your comment led me to your blog. Wow, your life brings back memories....I'm sure you've heard this more than a few times: someday you will look back on these days with fondness (well, probably not the cat poop but the rest of it).
My kids are 14-16-22-24 now and this was the first year we were not all together on Christmas Day because newlywed son spent that day with his wife's family ten hours from here. I look at photos from when my kids were little and it hurts! I miss those little people even though I like the big people they've become.
Hoping you and your family had a wonderful Christmas....
At 11:12 AM,
Ernesto Burden said…
thanks, Barbara! Glad you stopped by...yes, I do hear that a lot about the kids, and I already have a good sense of how quickly these kids will be five year old is already speaking like a little adult (sometimes, anyway!) and I can more easily envision him as a young man than a baby! I try to enjoy every minute as much as I can...
At 11:14 AM,
Kristen said…
Didn't realize my husband was signed in...that comment was actually from me...Ernesto and I need to get our own computers!
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