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Wide load, coming through
Originally uploaded by Ernesto and Kristen Burden.
Yeah, so that's me. Pretty big, but then there is probably a nine pounder in there, so that's to be expected. Now I look back and laugh at that first photo I blogged where I thought I looked big. Ha. Ha. Silly, silly me.
I'm a little over 38 weeks and beginning to get pretty excited. I've actually finished all the last minute tasks I've set out to do and things are ready as they're going to get. I'm cleaning everything in sight and it's really annoying, but I can't help it.
Ernesto has been making me walk around a lot and trying to get me to eat spicy food. He's not fooling anyone.
I recently read that the highest percentage of births in America fall on Tuesday. So who's willing to place some bets? What should the stakes be? Is it going to be this week, next week or God forbid...the week after that? You tell me folks, because I haven't got a clue.
At 9:10 AM,
Anonymous said…
You look so glamorous!
A whole day of pampering would never have made me look so good at nine months pregnant!
At 9:36 AM,
Anonymous said…
I was born on a Tuesday!
Of course that was the first and LAST time that anything about me, or my life, was "typical."
At 10:50 AM,
Anonymous said…
You look fabulous! How can you be so pregnant and yet so tiny?
So not fair.
At 1:08 PM,
Anonymous said…
What Jenny said. Do you have some kind of magical skinny DNA?
I was born on a Tuesday too. But both my kids were born on Saturdays. Maybe you'll have a Saturday baby.
At 1:42 PM,
Kristen said…
You are all far too kind, so thank you. I cannot begin to express how NOT thin/glamorous/fabulous I feel, but everything considered, I don't feel too bad either. I haven't gained much in the way of weight in my face or arms like I did with my son, so that's kind of a plus, but it does make me big is this baby going to be because I am nearing the 35 lb. weight gain mark. Does that mean it's a 12 lb. child and a 20 lb. placenta...or (shudder) the other way around?
At 6:29 PM,
HLiza said…
Now, now..I think I won't post any 9-month photo of myself.. I certainly am not as cute as you! You are bigger than usual but you look so glowing and radiant! This kind of photo will win you "The Beautiful Mama" contest here!
At 9:27 PM,
Alyssa said…
I totally picked Tuesday!
Good thing those creepy kids who lived near us in college aren't around. I'd hate to see what'd happen to them if they called you the Jolly Green Giant again.
At 1:24 AM,
Idaho Dad said…
You look great.
But what I'm really looking at is that wall behind you... I think that's the color green my wife wants in the kitchen.
At 4:14 PM,
Kristen said…
Hliza- Oh, that's no's Avon blush...but I'm glad to hear I'm faking it well!
Alyssa- Guess you and E were both wrong...the date I picked is this's hoping. Yeah, I would totally mess up those kids if they were here today...
Phil- Thanks. I'm pretty sure I look better than I feel.
That's funny you mention the paint because I just got done repainting the trim in my kitchen. I wish I knew the color name of that green, but it was done by the previous owners and that's the one paint can they didn't leave for us.
At 8:39 AM,
Flea said…
Yeah, finally!! LOL
You look so gorgeous, I'm jealous.
I agree with the others, why does some women just glow in their pregnancies, like you!
I keep popping over to meet the new one! C'mon baby... cheering it on all the way from Oz.
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