Angry pregnant lady
Oops, I did it again.
I let my hormones get the better of me. I guess this is one of the few times in my life I can use that as an excuse, so maybe I shouldn't sweat it.
This time I yelled at an old lady. Well, she wasn't really that old, and I'm pretty certain with her car windows all rolled up she couldn't hear me anyway.
I was in the parking lot of our favorite grocery store with the kids and I'd just unloaded them for the minivan when a car comes zipping past us, mere feet from my daughter, making a speedy exit through the parking spaces, because you know, they're empty and it's not like anyone might pull in to park there and certainly no one could be standing there, certainly not a small child that you might not see over your silly oversized Ray-Bans and fluffy steering wheel cover.
So after grabbing Sofia out of harm's way and standing there all rattled, trying to compose myself, yet another car comes whizzing past us (not as close) through the same set of empty parking spaces. The woman even smiles at me. Like, "hey, howya doing? Don't mind if I plow your kids down, do ya? Besides, looks like you've got an extra on the way!"
Now I know. Lots of people do this. I see it all the time, people shaving a few seconds off their drive by taking some shortcuts through the lot. I think I am one of the few people who won't do this, because I am completely paranoid that I am not going to see someone coming and I'm going to crash them. And I don't want to crash anyone.
Anyway, I yelled at the second car as it went by and waved my arms about like I was bringing in a jet plane. I think I shouted something to the effect of, "You're NOT supposed to drive cut through the lot like that!!!" displaying the parking spaces like a disgruntled Vanna White. She kept on going, cutting through a few more before she was out of sight. I looked down at the kids who were staring at me as if to ask, "what did you do with our mommy?"
I guess the maternal instincts have gone into overdrive. I'd better have this kid soon or someone could end up hurt...or just very amused at the sight of an overly pregnant woman jumping about and flailing her arms.
I let my hormones get the better of me. I guess this is one of the few times in my life I can use that as an excuse, so maybe I shouldn't sweat it.
This time I yelled at an old lady. Well, she wasn't really that old, and I'm pretty certain with her car windows all rolled up she couldn't hear me anyway.
I was in the parking lot of our favorite grocery store with the kids and I'd just unloaded them for the minivan when a car comes zipping past us, mere feet from my daughter, making a speedy exit through the parking spaces, because you know, they're empty and it's not like anyone might pull in to park there and certainly no one could be standing there, certainly not a small child that you might not see over your silly oversized Ray-Bans and fluffy steering wheel cover.
So after grabbing Sofia out of harm's way and standing there all rattled, trying to compose myself, yet another car comes whizzing past us (not as close) through the same set of empty parking spaces. The woman even smiles at me. Like, "hey, howya doing? Don't mind if I plow your kids down, do ya? Besides, looks like you've got an extra on the way!"
Now I know. Lots of people do this. I see it all the time, people shaving a few seconds off their drive by taking some shortcuts through the lot. I think I am one of the few people who won't do this, because I am completely paranoid that I am not going to see someone coming and I'm going to crash them. And I don't want to crash anyone.
Anyway, I yelled at the second car as it went by and waved my arms about like I was bringing in a jet plane. I think I shouted something to the effect of, "You're NOT supposed to drive cut through the lot like that!!!" displaying the parking spaces like a disgruntled Vanna White. She kept on going, cutting through a few more before she was out of sight. I looked down at the kids who were staring at me as if to ask, "what did you do with our mommy?"
I guess the maternal instincts have gone into overdrive. I'd better have this kid soon or someone could end up hurt...or just very amused at the sight of an overly pregnant woman jumping about and flailing her arms.
At 7:26 PM,
Alyssa said…
Did your children learn some new and interesting words today?
This is why you should carry a slingshot.
At 9:38 AM,
Anonymous said…
I have a slingshot Kris, would you like it?
At 10:03 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, don't worry, that was NOTHING for you to yell, you would have been justified shouting much worse, and it does seem like she didn't hear you at all (unfortunately.) I for one just had my brand new 2007 Corolla bumped in my office parking lot earlier this week, three days after getting it, while I was sitting right in it. A clueless SUV driver backed right into me, and as I layed on my horn TWICE he kept inching forward, oblivious (seemingly) to the fact that he had just HIT ME and I get out, start waving at his heavily tinted windows and he pulls away and drives off. I hope, and pray, for the sake of humanity that he really, truly didn't realize he hit me (his wheel bumped a curb at that same time which he may have thought the imact was) and thankfully not so much as a scuff on my new car. But even so, his complete "world revolves around me" obliviousness to my honking and waving is enough to bring blood to a boil, that's for sure. So I couldn't take it out on him, but oh, did my co-workers have to suffer through my tirade! And the kicker is, exactly one week earlier, my previous car got hit the same way, at the same angle, in the same spot, while I was NOT in it, WAS dented badly ONE DAY before trade in, whoever did it drove off, and I lost $400 on my previously appraised trade-in value as a result.
Needless to say, I do not park in that spot anymore. It was my favorite, but it's at an odd angle.
Gotta stop now, I'm getting riled up...
At 10:57 PM,
Kristen said…
Lyss- no, I didn't let any obscenities fly...since having the kids I've pretty much replaced all my swear words with other, less offensive ones. They are generally said with the same tone, however.
Mom- Don't you need that slingshot for the squirrels?
Jody- I can only imagine how irritated you must have been. You're right that it's likely he didn't even feel the impact in his big-mobile, or I at least hope that is the case. I think maybe my mom should send the slingshot to you, just in case.
At 1:27 AM,
Anonymous said…
You cannot mess with a woman while hormonal. Most people understand this. Good for you for letting granny have it..
Your belly photo is beautiful :-) No basketball jokes from me, no siree!
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