Happy Snacking!

Originally uploaded by Ernesto and Kristen Burden.
Our town had its trick-or-treating on Sunday of this week, so the house is already littered with candy wrappers. I overheard this conversation in the living room yesterday during one of our designated "candy snack" times:
Sofia: I'm havin' this candy bar (holds up her full size Hershey's almond bar and shows it to David)
David: Ooooh...that looks like it has nuts in it. NOT peanuts, though.
Sofia: Huh...well, it looks okay.
David: Hey, do you want me to taste-test that for ya? I could see if it's okay?
Sofia: (looking unsure) Wellll...uh, yeah. Okay!
David: (breaking off a big chunk, taking a bite) Hmmm. Yep, it definitely has nuts. Almonds I think.
Sofia: Well, it looks good.
David: (shrugging shoulders, taking another bite) Yeah, it's pretty good, I guess.
He gets it from me, I'm sure.
At 12:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
Happy Halloween! Sorry I never got the pooh costume to you :( I hope you found something for Isobel.
At 8:39 AM,
Kristen said…
Not a problem...we just pulled out David's old lion costume from when he was 1. It was a little roomy, but adorable and very warm! Now it has officially been worn by all three kids for Halloween. I'm thinking we can retire it now.
At 10:53 AM,
Anonymous said…
Happy belated Halloween! I have a box of milk duds in the pocket of my jacket just waiting for me to go grocery shopping.
With love,
Mother of Zombie and Ninja
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