Blink and you'll miss something

Momma gets a smile
Originally uploaded by Ernesto and Kristen Burden.
Isobel rolled over for the first time today. I was running up the stairs to answer the phone when I glimpsed her out of the corner of my eye on her play mat and there she was, rolling onto her belly. I had been in the kitchen with David getting him some applesauce and I heard Isobel grunt several times in a row. I thought perhaps she was working on a "number" as we like to call it. Turns out she was trying her roll herself over, probably so she could make her way into the kitchen and finally get some attention from me. But really, I hadn't been away for more than a minute and then as I'm up on the staircase I nearly miss her reach that milestone because I'm in such a hurry. Of course she then proceeded to do it about a half dozen more times and then tried to roll herself right off the changing table later in the day. Apparently she has somewhere to go, some people to meet. Who knows.
Anyway, it is blowing my mind how quickly she is growing and changing and her big brother and sister right along with her. There are times when their babyhood seems to drag on forever and then there are days like this that remind me how very fleeting it really is.
Here we are hanging out in the back yard a couple weeks ago. Already she looks different, but I'm happy to say the smile has not changed a bit.
At 12:49 AM,
Idaho Dad said…
Beautiful pic! One to be framed and hung on the wall.
Every day I'm amazed at how quickly my kids grow.
At 1:10 PM,
Anonymous said…
She rolled?!! Yikes, isn't it a little early? You are in so much trouble now ;)
At 3:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Kristen, this is the cutest picture! I could just eat Isobel up.
At 3:49 PM,
Anonymous said…
Duh, maybe I should finish the comment before hitting the button.
I can't believe she's already rolling. I miss those early days, they passed me by so quickly.
At 8:34 PM,
Kristen said…
Phil- Thank you, and that is indeed a compliment coming from one of the best photographers I know!
Annette- I know, I know. It's the whole head/neck strength thing which makes it possible for her to do it. She'll be lifting barbells by age 5, probably.
Melissa- Thank you! She is quite a delightful little baby, if I do say so myself. Easily the happiest in her "babyhood" of all my kids. I can't believe she's rolling either. She also spends a good chunk of the day squealing as well, and I'll have to try and record that because it's pretty amusing. Sometimes it sounds as though she's picking up signals from outer space, or something.
At 10:20 AM,
Cat Jordan said…
Yay Baby Bell! I can't believe she's rolling over already! Didn't you just give birth?? So many exciting milestones in the first year! Give her a kiss from Aunti Cat!
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