You Can Take The Girl Out Of The Country...
...but apparently you cannot take the country out of the girl's city home's back yard. With the exception of the meandering deer and the occasional black bear, we've got as much wildlife here as we did in Vermont. On 4 1/2 acres of fields and forest you have to expect to see lots of critters, but we've seen plenty in our new neighborhood, and with a much smaller yard to share with the little beasties. It's cute to watch a woodchuck munching wildflowers up on an old cow pasture overlooking your old farmhouse, all bucolic and earthy, but when it's eating all the tops off the sunflowers you're trying really hard to grow in a little 2' by 3' flower bed, well- it's just kind of annoying.
I call him "Little Fatty". He's not really that fat, but he rolls around in the grass eating clover (when he's not munching the Gerber daisies and other fauna) scratching himself, with his bad boy, woodchuck attitude as if to say, "What you lookin at, lady? How bout you make yourself useful and get me a beer, eh?" Oh, the little dickens.
Whenever David sees him out the window, he gives him the same treatment he gives all the squirrels who try and eat the bird seed, and runs out the back door, screaming like a banshee. Little Fatty waddles under the shed and then goes and does who knows what under there. I heard that if you keep mothballs in the area they visit, they will keep away, but these guys are persistent. Any suggestions out there? I will overnight you some lovely sunflowers...
I call him "Little Fatty". He's not really that fat, but he rolls around in the grass eating clover (when he's not munching the Gerber daisies and other fauna) scratching himself, with his bad boy, woodchuck attitude as if to say, "What you lookin at, lady? How bout you make yourself useful and get me a beer, eh?" Oh, the little dickens.
Whenever David sees him out the window, he gives him the same treatment he gives all the squirrels who try and eat the bird seed, and runs out the back door, screaming like a banshee. Little Fatty waddles under the shed and then goes and does who knows what under there. I heard that if you keep mothballs in the area they visit, they will keep away, but these guys are persistent. Any suggestions out there? I will overnight you some lovely sunflowers...
At 4:25 PM,
Ernesto Burden said…
I suppose we could always find out how Little Fatty would taste slow roasted in banana leaves with annato seeds and cumin... a little marmota pibil... tequila on the side ... yum. Or we could try one of these recipes...
At 4:53 PM,
Kristen said…
Hey, as long as you're cooking I don't care what we eat.
At 1:58 AM,
Flea said…
Great comeback Kris!!
I am a country girl too!!
At 8:59 AM,
Alyssa said…
I'm really re-thinking ever having dinner at your house again.
Hey, when are you crazy kids going to come down and visit? I can teach the young'uns about the magic of harvesting jalapenos!
At 10:00 AM,
Rick Broussard said…
Jemi's grandfather used to dispatch our woodchucks with the ironic blend of a "have-a-heart" trap and a pistol. They are easy to catch, because a woodchuck is a browsy animal, sort of like an omnivorous Roomba. Put a trap out in its general vicinity and it will eventually wander in. Likewise, if you put up a short fence around your garden, with about 6 inches of it buried, he'll just nose around it and then get distracted by another patch of clover. This, of course, will not deter deer.
BTW the mothballs under the shed trick has worked well for us, but with skunks, not chuckies.
At 11:04 AM,
Kristen said…
Well, I know that re-locating animals into the "wild" is illegal in some states, so I guess trapping then killing might be the only sure-fire way to get rid of it, though I don't think I'm up for that. I have heard about the fence, but I'm thinking more low-maintenance tactics, as I'm already growing weary of my gardening duties. I've heard that sprinkling epsom salts on the plants makes them taste bad, but you have to keep re-applying them. I've also heard putting a few pinwheels in the ground will scare them off. Any kind of movement is supposed to send them waddling...
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