Oh, man. I was sort of kidding about the ambulance thing, but I may not have been far off.
My toe is still healing from the "bookcase incident", but somehow it left me with a bruised foot and swollen ankle, besides. I've been favoring it for the past few days, trying to keep the swelling down, but clearly, with all the effort to be careful with my right foot I have badly neglected the left.
All I did was walk into the bedroom with a diaper, getting ready to change Sofia who was easily about 3 hours past due for a fresh nappy, when I strode past the pine blanket chest, on which I accidentally caught my left foot, pinky toe. I whacked it good. I had no idea I was so close to the thing. I've walked by it dozens of times and never stubbed my toe on it once.
Well this was a bit more than a stubbing. I thought, "wow, that really hurts!", looked down and dropped the diaper, covering my mouth so as not to scream in front of my very impressionable children. My little toe was sticking out from my foot at a clean, 45 degree angle. Pardon me, but oh mother-puss bucket. It really, really hurt. Two glasses of wine and four ibuprofen later it still really, really hurts. David asked, since now neither of my feet work, if I would need a wheelchair. Hmmm. Maybe a Segway. Or at the very least a nice go-cart.
Will someone please save me from myself?
My toe is still healing from the "bookcase incident", but somehow it left me with a bruised foot and swollen ankle, besides. I've been favoring it for the past few days, trying to keep the swelling down, but clearly, with all the effort to be careful with my right foot I have badly neglected the left.
All I did was walk into the bedroom with a diaper, getting ready to change Sofia who was easily about 3 hours past due for a fresh nappy, when I strode past the pine blanket chest, on which I accidentally caught my left foot, pinky toe. I whacked it good. I had no idea I was so close to the thing. I've walked by it dozens of times and never stubbed my toe on it once.
Well this was a bit more than a stubbing. I thought, "wow, that really hurts!", looked down and dropped the diaper, covering my mouth so as not to scream in front of my very impressionable children. My little toe was sticking out from my foot at a clean, 45 degree angle. Pardon me, but oh mother-puss bucket. It really, really hurt. Two glasses of wine and four ibuprofen later it still really, really hurts. David asked, since now neither of my feet work, if I would need a wheelchair. Hmmm. Maybe a Segway. Or at the very least a nice go-cart.
Will someone please save me from myself?
At 8:42 AM,
Flea said…
Oh Kris, that sounds so awfull!! I like the "Doh"!! Better get that all checked out, it sounds as if you broke it? Better to be sure than sorry later, go to the doctors now!! :)
At 9:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Hey Kristen, don't worry about it, same thing happened to me (the whole 45 degree angle and everything!) I kind of pushed it back into place, and let it be. It bruised almost black by the next day, and had occasional moments of numbness for a week or so, then it was fine, and has been every since! But wow, THAT was pain beyond extrutiating when it happened!
You know, I for some bizarre reason have stubbed the SAME two toes on my right foot about THREE times since reading your first post on the subject. Hmmmm....
At 9:45 AM,
Kristen said…
Well, it did go back into position pretty quickly and I iced it up for a good long time, just as soon as it happened. Luckily for me my mother-in-law was here to take care of me and kids so I could sit down for a while. This morning it is bruised and very sore, but at least the other foot is better. Hannelie-I'd go to the doctor but for a broken toe they can't really do anything. I broke (I think) a different toe years ago, but it healed up fine on its own. Sadly I am missing a trip to the aquarium today with E and the kids so I can be smart and keep off of it. It's too bad I don't have a pair of crutches kicking around...
At 11:04 PM,
Anonymous said…
armica is AMAZING stuff for bruises!!!!
At 9:00 AM,
Kristen said…
Terri- I will have to try that, thanks! And thanks for visiting!
At 9:15 AM,
Anonymous said…
Holy crap. I broke a toe once and I thought I was going to die.
Remember the days before kids when a broken toe meant you could lie on the couch eating vicodin all day.
At 2:22 PM,
Anonymous said…
*wince* I broke my ankle last year and I can still feel it breaking when I read a story like that. I hope your toe is feeling better!
And I admire your ability to not swear. I don't quite have your restraint yet.
At 2:37 PM,
Kristen said…
Melissa- thanks for coming by! I can only imagine the pain of breaking an ankle and I'm very surprised I've yet to break my own. I sprained the right one falling down some stairs one year in college(I wasn't actually drinking at the time) and that incident left it significantly weaker than the left and I'm always re-injuring it. Amazingly I've yet to break any major bones, so they are either very strong or I'm really, really lucky. Toe is now either healing or I have just become accustomed to the pain.
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