
With home ownership come the many, many projects and this time of year usually finds us starting (and hopefully, finishing) a few around-the-house related tasks. Since for once we don't have a house that needs a lot of interior refinishing (no more drywalling for us!) we can turn our attention to the great outdoors. We don't have nearly the acreage we used to and that's just fine with us. We liked picking berries and watching the deer make their way over the hill, but mowing and raking and more mowing and raking made us kind of grumpy. The gophers didn't help, either. I'm happy to have our little patch of land in our little city neighborhood. And you know what else I love? Mulch! Especially if it means I don't have to look at bare patches of dirt amongst my leaves of grass. It smells good, it doesn't stain your clothes and the kids think it's another toy. We got a big 'ol delivery of Kid Kushion this weekend and made our own private playground in the backyard. The best part was the truck, dumping it out in the yard. The kids thought that was great. I found raking it out very satisfying, for about five minutes. And then I let big, tough Daddy man finish the job. Here's the finished product. Notice now we need to lay down more grass seed. Guess what? Already done. Ta-Dah!
Watch out grubs- you're next on the list. Scram, or I'll sic the giant red crab on you.
At 9:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Funny you mentioned the red crab at the end, because when I first saw the picture before scrolling down to your blog, I thought, "I LOVE that big red crab!" LOL!
At 10:24 PM,
Kristen said…
Yes, how can you not love the giant crab. David asked me today, "why do they call this a 'sand box'?" He got the sand part, but one could scarcely call the crab a box. I explained when I was a kid, they were just plain, old wooden boxes. He thinks I lived in the dark ages.
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