That "Lived In" Feeling
While still in the throes of breaking down boxes after the move, I am finding myself not so gently breaking in the house as well. I am a tall, clumsy woman. I used to be a tall, clumsy girl. When I'm not accidentally hurting myself, I am damaging the things around me. That's one of the reasons we hired movers.
I've dropped some heavy things on the ceramic tile kitchen floor. This material is not Kristen friendly. I don't see it lasting the year. Or I will just not be allowed in the kitchen anymore. Perhaps we could install some attractive, rubber flooring of some kind?
I've already taken a little chunk out of the nicely painted trimwork in the hallway while carrying David's "comfy chair" from the family room to the bedroom. I'd fix it, but I don't know where the wood putty, paint and brushes are.
I almost broke down the bathroom door earlier this afternoon. I noticed David had shut it the last time he used the toilet and when I went in there later to get something from the cabinet I couldn't get the door open. I kept trying to turn the handle and it wouldn't budge. I panicked and immediately went outside to see if the window was open. It was locked up tight. I went back in the house and got a kitchen chair and a flat head screwdriver and tried to pry it open. I don't know why, because it's one of the new replacement vinyl windows and it was not going to open no matter what. I found myself thinking of alternatives to using the toilet. David will happily pee on the bushes outside and Sofia's got her diapers, but where will I go? I go back in, turning the knob back and forth like a mad woman thinking, "this is stupid...when has this ever worked?" But then it opens. It just suddenly "pops" open and I'm in. I'm thinking now that maybe it wasn't even locked. I think it was just stuck. It's the only thing that makes sense. I'm glad I didn't break it down. I don't think I could have, anyway. With my powers I am only able to break things accidentally. That's even lamer than the Wonder Twins with their ice buckets and water.
I hope I don't destroy the house too quickly, and can at least allow a little time to fix one thing before I break the next. Because I was hoping to live here a very long time...
...that's just sounded like the house whimpered a little. Weird.
I've dropped some heavy things on the ceramic tile kitchen floor. This material is not Kristen friendly. I don't see it lasting the year. Or I will just not be allowed in the kitchen anymore. Perhaps we could install some attractive, rubber flooring of some kind?
I've already taken a little chunk out of the nicely painted trimwork in the hallway while carrying David's "comfy chair" from the family room to the bedroom. I'd fix it, but I don't know where the wood putty, paint and brushes are.
I almost broke down the bathroom door earlier this afternoon. I noticed David had shut it the last time he used the toilet and when I went in there later to get something from the cabinet I couldn't get the door open. I kept trying to turn the handle and it wouldn't budge. I panicked and immediately went outside to see if the window was open. It was locked up tight. I went back in the house and got a kitchen chair and a flat head screwdriver and tried to pry it open. I don't know why, because it's one of the new replacement vinyl windows and it was not going to open no matter what. I found myself thinking of alternatives to using the toilet. David will happily pee on the bushes outside and Sofia's got her diapers, but where will I go? I go back in, turning the knob back and forth like a mad woman thinking, "this is stupid...when has this ever worked?" But then it opens. It just suddenly "pops" open and I'm in. I'm thinking now that maybe it wasn't even locked. I think it was just stuck. It's the only thing that makes sense. I'm glad I didn't break it down. I don't think I could have, anyway. With my powers I am only able to break things accidentally. That's even lamer than the Wonder Twins with their ice buckets and water.
I hope I don't destroy the house too quickly, and can at least allow a little time to fix one thing before I break the next. Because I was hoping to live here a very long time...
...that's just sounded like the house whimpered a little. Weird.
At 10:59 PM,
Anonymous said…
ahahaha. Isn't that how things go? I chipped my windshield on my new car 4 days after getting it.
War scars - lived in is good.
At 9:49 AM,
Anonymous said…
You'd better keep that bathroom door issue in check. I was at a party once to discover that the bathroom door had no intention of letting me OUT, ever. As unlocked as possible yet a knob that wouldn't budge. I pounded on the door, yelling as loud as possible. When my friends finally managed to get me out, the apartment renter said "Oh, it does that, that's why I never close that door!" He wandered off to handle other situations. Okay, two issues here: typical bachelor mentality to not make anything in your apartment safe for unsuspecting guests, and two: what happened the FIRST time he discovered this problem? There HAD to be a first time, right? It was a tiny bathroom with no windows. He lived alone. Who let him out???
At 9:08 PM,
Cat Jordan said…
That is so funny Kristen! Maybe you guys need to put a new knob on that bathroom before bad things happen again! We had a situation here in the Fall where the lock on the doorknob broke and we were all locked out of the bathroom too. I had all kinds of implements of destruction upstairs trying to get that door handle off. I was DESPERATE to pee, and I have to admit, I came soooo close to wetting my pants that I did once longingly gaze at the potty seat stashed in the hallway closet. But, I sat down, crossed my legs and waited for Rob to get home. If someone was going to break the door, I was going to let Rob do it, that way I wouldn't feel so guilty. HAH. Can't wait to see the knew home by the way!!
At 8:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
I know that kind of resigned feeling that settles in the pit of your stomach when something like that happens...and you wish life could have a re-do button! But just think how many people have read and reacted nostalgically to your blog! You've touched one of those human experiences that we all share, but most of us try to cover up! Thanks for reminding us that we're all human!
At 6:36 PM,
Anonymous said…
My patio door locks me out of my apartment and I found myself locked right out of my new place just the other day.. Also my bathroom door dosn't close and that's not really a problem , cuz I guess it won't ever lock me in. But the whole house is rented so I feel the need to invest little time and zero money in it whatsoever. I 'll be dropping in to cook dinner sooner than May I hope.....James
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