You Spin Me Right 'Round, Baby, Right 'Round...
This morning the kids took turns spinning me around in the big office chair and it's been more than a half hour since they did and I still feel sick. Years ago this would not have bothered me in the least, but now I can't handle it for even a minute. I can't even sit on the swings at playgrounds anymore because I feel like I'm gonna yak. I don't know when this happened because as a child I could ride the local theme park's rickety, wooden roller coaster 12 times in a row and not feel anything but exhilaration. Now my one-year old pushes me around at a rate of maybe 1 mile per hour and I turn three shades of green. I guess it's my body's way of saying, "You're going to hurt yourself, lady! Slow the heck down!!!"
I'm feeling so very old...
I'm feeling so very old...
At 1:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm the same way - although I never had the best stomach for that stuff - but seriously, the swings? C'mon - give me another 10 years and then take that away.
At 1:00 AM,
Anonymous said…
"I could ride the local theme park's rickety, wooden roller coaster"
You don't mean the one at Whalom Park do you? Man, you couldn't get me near that thing as a kid--not because the heights or the speed, but because of the apparent lack of structural integrity! I'd ride the ones up at Canobie Lake or Riverside, but that ramshackle wooden one? No way, no how!
Do you know if Whalom is even still open? Googling, all I could find was a 'Save Whalom Park' page from 2001... not a good sign. That'd make me sad if it closed.
At 9:31 AM,
Kristen said…
Kristen- yeah, the swings makes me sad, too. That was always my favorite as a kid and now I need Dramamine to go near them...
John- That's the one all right. I seem to recall you at the park with Mike, Scott and we were going on it again and again and you were hanging back, making some sort of comments about it being a "safety hazard". But I have an awful memory, so I may have just imagined that. True- that coaster wasn't particularly high or fast, but the fact that it looked like it was going to fall apart at any second made it terrifying (and thrilling) to ride! I think the park might be closed...I drove by it a few weeks ago on my way to NH and it looked really run down, like it hadn't been in operation for years. I would have loved to go back there someday. Maybe someone will step up to the plate and bring it back to life.
At 10:15 PM,
Anonymous said…
HA! "safety hazard." Yeah, sadly, that sounde like I would have said. Seven going on seventy. ;)
At 8:55 AM,
Kristen said…
You were very keen on self-preservation, if I recall correctly. Normally I was as well, but if I didn't ride the coaster Mike would torment me for weeks and back then that seemed like a lifetime.
At 6:30 PM,
Anonymous said…
if i had the kind of life to back this up, i'd be studying it in a heartbeat! my personal theory based on chatting with moms is something that no one has looked into, happens to women to do this!
as a kid i loved them all, now just looking up at the ferris wheel makes me woozy and its always women that report the same change
i'm sure somehow the hormones are to blame (they always are) i just cant figure out what they do to the nerves -- or maybe its having kids that destroy the nervous system??? ; )
~another mom @ home in NH
At 10:43 PM,
Kristen said…
Yeah, it's a puzzler. I know lots of women this has happened to. I wouldn't be surprised one bit if it were something hormonal...I'll have to ask my doctor next time I'm in the office...Thanks for stopping by my blog!
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