The German Butterfly Has Landed!
Okay, that title is kind of a private joke, but I think once you see this you will kind of get what I'm trying to say. Don't watch it unless you've got room in your head for a song to play over and over, for a stretch of several days...
At 9:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
First, thanks for visiting and commenting! AND, second, I'm a total sucker and wow, that's a catchy little tune (LOL). I love me some David Hasslehoff. I especially enjoyed the part where he is flying through the air over the fields of gold. Oh and the dancing around singing the OOGACHAKA? (what is that, exactly?
At 9:44 AM,
Anonymous said…
Oh, just so you'll know, despite your original dare to Ernesto ("I defy you to turn away"), I for one DID manage to, and quite well.
That's just too much to deal with on a sluggish, slow Monday morning at work when you have a splitting headache to begin with!
At 7:26 PM,
Kristen said…
Kristen: Yeah, that song really sticks with you...My kids keep wanting me to play it again and again (this is how he must get to his German audience-through the wee ones, first)and I allowed it the first 5 times, but now they're shut off. I'm amazed at how young he still looks...
Jody- I bet you went back, though and watched the whole thing, didn't ya? I double dog dare you! C'mon, join the madness- it's good clean fun!
At 10:54 PM,
Anonymous said…
I totally LOVE dunkachino LOL - how about duncan donuts - probably too obvious... for a good laugh.
Oh well... sorry to post this here - I guess I'll post it on mine too!
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