Long Time, No Blog
That's the longest I've gone without posting in a while. Well, much has happened, or will happen rather and I guess I'm conserving my strength for our move back to New Hampshire. That's right, no more hill-top house in Vermont for us. No more deer in the yard. No more real maple syrup at EVERY store. I for one will miss the green mountain state and our cozy little home, but I can't begin to express how happy I am to return to New Hampshire, which is where my heart still is. Gotta love a state whose motto is "Live Free Or Die", which is sometimes confused with "Live, Freeze, Then Die". Well, it just feels like that in the winter. But just in February. Oh, the dark month of February. I have to remember to spend the majority of it in Florida, at my mother-in-law's...I hope she won't mind.
So we're selling our house, will soon begin to look for a new one in NH. Going to spend a few months at my mom's in Massachusetts in the meantime and I just can't wait. This will be the first holiday season in years where we won't have to travel anywhere, except downstairs to my mom's cozy kitchen for a cup of coffee, or to the living room to snuggle up in front of the fireplace. Which reminds me, got to find a house with a fireplace.
Anyway, I have so much to write about, almost too much and I guess that's why I haven't. Not sure where to begin or how to end. So I guess for now I'll just have to think up a new name for my new NH blog and daydream about our new place. I'm still here, a least for a little while longer, but in my mind I'm already gone. I think I feel a James Taylor song coming on...
So we're selling our house, will soon begin to look for a new one in NH. Going to spend a few months at my mom's in Massachusetts in the meantime and I just can't wait. This will be the first holiday season in years where we won't have to travel anywhere, except downstairs to my mom's cozy kitchen for a cup of coffee, or to the living room to snuggle up in front of the fireplace. Which reminds me, got to find a house with a fireplace.
Anyway, I have so much to write about, almost too much and I guess that's why I haven't. Not sure where to begin or how to end. So I guess for now I'll just have to think up a new name for my new NH blog and daydream about our new place. I'm still here, a least for a little while longer, but in my mind I'm already gone. I think I feel a James Taylor song coming on...
At 10:14 PM,
Anonymous said…
Good luck with the house hunting! Michelle and I were looking at a condo today ourselves... we went just to see what was on the market in our price range and ended up falling in love... we're meeting with our mortgage guy next monday to cruch the numbers and see if it is feasible... I don't know whether to cross my fingers or not... I don't know if I feel like moving again so soon!
Anyways, let me know when you guys are living in Sterling in the interim, maybe we can meetup sometime!
At 7:31 AM,
Anonymous said…
Sorry to hear you're leaving your home after only a year in VT, but we're glad to have you, Ernesto, and the kids back in southern NH. Best wishes for a smooth transition back here.
-- Scott (Milford, NH)
At 8:38 PM,
Kristen said…
John- Thanks, and same to you...see you back around the old stomping grounds soon!
Scott- One of the blessings of having moved only a year ago is that we remember well the buying/selling process and all the many things we need to do to keep things going smoothly. That and we still have some boxes we haven't even unpacked yet...
Can't wait to be back in NH!!
At 11:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
I think they have butterflies in NH, so we should all be OK...
At 7:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
I couldn't be MORE psyched to have you guys "back home" again! By now, Ernie has had his 2nd (?) day on his new job. We are praying for you guys and so looking forward to seeing you soon!
At 7:11 AM,
Anonymous said…
You got to be back in southern NH by now. How've you and the family taken the transition? Have you re-visited any of your old favorite 'stomping grounds' of Nashua? Is Ernesto liking things back at the Telegraph?
-- Scott
At 11:31 PM,
Anonymous said…
I live in Florida and I am jealous of you guys! I am very happy for you both.
At 12:16 PM,
Kristen said…
Thanks everyone...still not in NH exactly...staying with my Mom(in Massachusetts) who's been so gracious to host our crazy little family. Ernesto is loving his job and they are keeping him very busy. He's got a bit of a commute right now, so it's a little tiring on him and the kids are missing him quite a bit. They stay up later and later each night so they can see him a little bit at the end of the day. Looking forward to finally selling our house and finding our new place. For now, it's great to be here and showing the kids all the places I used to play, where I went to school, etc. Once I get back into the swing of things I may even blog again!
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