Girls' night out
Sofia and I enjoyed a little time out Friday night, just the two of us. We got some tickets for Smucker's "Stars on Ice" in Manchester and originally I was going to bring David as well but he bowed out at the last minute. Actually, he didn't want to take a nap in the afternoon which I required that he do if he was going to stay up past his bedtime for the show. So I gave him the choice of watching men and women skating around to 80's music or skipping his nap, and of course, he chose the latter.
"I wasn't really that up for going, anyway," he confided. Like father, like son.
So it was just me and Sof. I was kind of excited because we don't do much alone together and being that she's the middle child, I think she really does need a little extra attention once in a while. She's not the oldest so she's not ever the first to do anything and she doesn't get fussed over the way the baby does. I was looking forward to spending some time just with her.
We both got all dressed up and drove over to the arena and we chatted happily the whole way (Sofia is a talker) and she was so excited and beside herself to be going out at night together. We crossed the street to the arena with all the other throngs of people and she exclaimed, "It's like all these people are our friends! Come on, gang!"and she waves the crowd onward.
We don't have to go too far to get to our seats once we're inside. I note that we are seated very close to both a bathroom and a concession stand. Excellent. No one is seated right near us and we have easy access to the aisles, just in case. We get there shortly before the show is about to begin and Sofia is pointing out all the interesting details of the arena as we wait, such as the ice, the lights, security guards and so on. She wriggles around in her seat excitedly and keeps clasping her hands together with anticipation and leans over to give me a hug. After the show begins and some of the stars come out for the opening number (skating fans- please do not be appalled that I don't know the names of these people. I recognized Sasha Cohen who seemed to be the lead "star" of the show since she was in a red sparkly dress unlike the other women who were all in white) Sofia is even more thrilled. With every leap and jump the skaters complete, she points and squeals with a "Did you see that?!" or a "Wow!! This is the best show ever!!" We get some snacks at the snack bar but we hurry back to our seats for she's afraid she'll miss something terrific. At one point she even leans over, sipping her lemonade and squeezes my arm whispering, "I'm so glad we came!" and of course I am swelling with joy and pride and thinking that this will be one of the memories she'll carry into adulthood- the time she and her mom went to the spectacular ice skating show together.
And then minutes later, as a skater is gliding across the ice to a sentimental number, Sofia turns to me and declares, "I'm bored of this."
I think I misheard her. "What did you say?"
Sofia, louder: "I'M BORED!"
"Well the next one might be more exciting. This song is kind of slow. Wait for one of the fast ones and I'll bet they'll do some great tricks."
"I want to see inside my Skittles. It's too dark in here to see inside my Skittles!" She's bitten into one of the candies and wants to see what color it is inside.
"It's just white, hon. That's all. Whoa! Did you see that move?"
"I'm tired. I want to go home now."
Oh man. And I was just getting into it.
It was well past her bed time and she picked a good time to want to leave, right at intermission. And of course there was the added benefit of not dealing with all the traffic leaving the parking garage at once. We held hands and walked back to the car together and I felt a little sad that we didn't make it the whole way but I asked her if she had a good time and she smiled up at me the way she does with her eyes squinted tight and said "Yes! Just us girls!".
I'm sure it won't be our last adventure out as just the girls. We'll have to see how it goes at the ballet. You know, like in another four years or so.
"I wasn't really that up for going, anyway," he confided. Like father, like son.
So it was just me and Sof. I was kind of excited because we don't do much alone together and being that she's the middle child, I think she really does need a little extra attention once in a while. She's not the oldest so she's not ever the first to do anything and she doesn't get fussed over the way the baby does. I was looking forward to spending some time just with her.
We both got all dressed up and drove over to the arena and we chatted happily the whole way (Sofia is a talker) and she was so excited and beside herself to be going out at night together. We crossed the street to the arena with all the other throngs of people and she exclaimed, "It's like all these people are our friends! Come on, gang!"and she waves the crowd onward.
We don't have to go too far to get to our seats once we're inside. I note that we are seated very close to both a bathroom and a concession stand. Excellent. No one is seated right near us and we have easy access to the aisles, just in case. We get there shortly before the show is about to begin and Sofia is pointing out all the interesting details of the arena as we wait, such as the ice, the lights, security guards and so on. She wriggles around in her seat excitedly and keeps clasping her hands together with anticipation and leans over to give me a hug. After the show begins and some of the stars come out for the opening number (skating fans- please do not be appalled that I don't know the names of these people. I recognized Sasha Cohen who seemed to be the lead "star" of the show since she was in a red sparkly dress unlike the other women who were all in white) Sofia is even more thrilled. With every leap and jump the skaters complete, she points and squeals with a "Did you see that?!" or a "Wow!! This is the best show ever!!" We get some snacks at the snack bar but we hurry back to our seats for she's afraid she'll miss something terrific. At one point she even leans over, sipping her lemonade and squeezes my arm whispering, "I'm so glad we came!" and of course I am swelling with joy and pride and thinking that this will be one of the memories she'll carry into adulthood- the time she and her mom went to the spectacular ice skating show together.
And then minutes later, as a skater is gliding across the ice to a sentimental number, Sofia turns to me and declares, "I'm bored of this."
I think I misheard her. "What did you say?"
Sofia, louder: "I'M BORED!"
"Well the next one might be more exciting. This song is kind of slow. Wait for one of the fast ones and I'll bet they'll do some great tricks."
"I want to see inside my Skittles. It's too dark in here to see inside my Skittles!" She's bitten into one of the candies and wants to see what color it is inside.
"It's just white, hon. That's all. Whoa! Did you see that move?"
"I'm tired. I want to go home now."
Oh man. And I was just getting into it.
It was well past her bed time and she picked a good time to want to leave, right at intermission. And of course there was the added benefit of not dealing with all the traffic leaving the parking garage at once. We held hands and walked back to the car together and I felt a little sad that we didn't make it the whole way but I asked her if she had a good time and she smiled up at me the way she does with her eyes squinted tight and said "Yes! Just us girls!".
I'm sure it won't be our last adventure out as just the girls. We'll have to see how it goes at the ballet. You know, like in another four years or so.
At 12:48 PM,
AnnetteK said…
Awwww. "Just us girls" - she's so sweet! Sometimes I wish I had a little girl to do stuff like that with. I'm not surprised David bailed, Josh wouldn't ever want to go something like that either. But I am surprised that Sofia didn't talk your ear off through the show!
At 12:51 PM,
Anonymous said…
Great narration of the whole episode! I so understand how Sofi was feeling, the excitement of doing something new, of sampling something different for the first time, and then having had enough and being ready to leave. I've had that exact same experience with my first ice show (at the age of 35), and the first live cirucs I remember (I took Ernie and Ana when they were little), my first ballet (at age 20), my first semi pro hockey match (at age 49)and my first pro baseball game (at age 51!) It's exciting to try new things, and sometimes, just a good sample is enough! (Unfortunately, for the sake of my companion(s) at each of those experiences of mine except the circus I had to sit through the whole thing and be really bored for the remainder after the new wore off!) ABUE
At 11:47 AM,
Anonymous said…
Don't worry; that's CLASSIC! In fact, my mom had a habit of shuffling her kids out(four of us over the years at various events) at intermissions because she picked up that we were getting fidgety, tired, or bored. She said we were always perfectly happy to leave when intermissions roled around.
That said...a few weeks ago I brought my mom to a piano recital. She loves piano (doesn't play it herself, but loves the music.) We were both enjoying it. Intermission came. She looked at me and said, "We can go. I've had enough. Let's just leave." Oh, okay. So we left. I guess times, and roles, change at some point. Some day it will be YOUR turn to be entertained, Kristin!
At 11:48 AM,
Anonymous said…
That last comment was me (Jody.) Left my name off of it by mistake!
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