Dear Santa
Happy belated Thanksgiving, everyone! I was too busy eating and making merry to blog, as I hope you were, too.
This morning the kids dictated their letters to Santa to me. This is the first year we've done this. I think St. Nick will especially appreciate the glittery crayons we used to pen our words. Here's how they went...
David's (Age 4):
Dear Santa,
I would like a smiley face making kit and a Geek Squad spy set and a tool box, but I already have a tool belt so you don't need to get me one. I would like a spy geek puzzle with a box with buttons on it. I would also like some new clothes. Merry Christmas, Santa! Have fun giving presents to people!
Sofia's (Age 2 1/2):
Dear Santa,
I want the jump and bark puppy. I want a mama kitty and a baby kitty cat. I want a mama duck and a baby duck. Santa, I have some yummy candy up on my refridgerator.
I sure hope Santa knows where to get "spy geek" stuff, because I'm not sure I do. Maybe I could get a member of the Geek Squad come to our house and dress up as Santa. David would be impressed to see Santa all "geeked out" with his lap top and pocket pen display.
The candy to which Sofia refers "up on the refridgerator" is all the leftover Halloween candy that's in her bucket. I actually snuck them away last night, but she didn't seem to notice, or perhaps this was her subtle way of telling me she had.
This morning the kids dictated their letters to Santa to me. This is the first year we've done this. I think St. Nick will especially appreciate the glittery crayons we used to pen our words. Here's how they went...
David's (Age 4):
Dear Santa,
I would like a smiley face making kit and a Geek Squad spy set and a tool box, but I already have a tool belt so you don't need to get me one. I would like a spy geek puzzle with a box with buttons on it. I would also like some new clothes. Merry Christmas, Santa! Have fun giving presents to people!
Sofia's (Age 2 1/2):
Dear Santa,
I want the jump and bark puppy. I want a mama kitty and a baby kitty cat. I want a mama duck and a baby duck. Santa, I have some yummy candy up on my refridgerator.
I sure hope Santa knows where to get "spy geek" stuff, because I'm not sure I do. Maybe I could get a member of the Geek Squad come to our house and dress up as Santa. David would be impressed to see Santa all "geeked out" with his lap top and pocket pen display.
The candy to which Sofia refers "up on the refridgerator" is all the leftover Halloween candy that's in her bucket. I actually snuck them away last night, but she didn't seem to notice, or perhaps this was her subtle way of telling me she had.
At 4:48 PM,
Anonymous said…
Who doesn't want a mama and baby cat and duck running around the house?
I know I do.
At 5:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
I know the Discovery Channel store has all manner of kid's spy toys-- like binoculars with all manner of gadgets and doo-dads added onto it. Is that what David means?
And I'm sure I can get Michelle to grab you a baby duck from the zoo... ;)
Hope you all had a great Turkey Day!
At 7:40 PM,
Anonymous said…
I saw spy stuff at Toys r us a few weeks ago and totally thought of David! I shoulda bought it :)
At 6:15 AM,
Flea said…
OH Bless them, how cute it the part of the kitty cats and ducks.
I haven't started shopping yet ... better start before the shops are all empty.
At 5:37 PM,
HLiza said…
Sofia is so cute in offering Santa the candies...ha ha ha..that is so purely childish!
At 9:34 PM,
Anonymous said…
"Have fun giving presents to people!"
That is so cute. I love kids.
Happy belated Thanksgiving to you too, Kristen! I know I've been sort of gone for a while. :)
At 10:10 AM,
Kristen said…
Luckily Sofia does not actually want any live ducks or cats. Just the synthetic variety. I think one of those cute cats that comes with a litter of kittens attached will be perfect for her. The Discovery Channel is a good place for "geek", although I can never be sure exactly what it is he wants. He likes things with lots and lots of buttons to push. The buttons don't actually have to do anything. I can't believe he said he wanted clothes. I think he said that for my benefit. Melissa- hope your trip was good!
At 9:42 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm with Jenny. You gotta get a duck.
Quack quack.
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