Before I die I WILL capture a photo of my kids without one of them doing the "thumbs up" and/or sticking one of their tongues out. But probably only during the sullen "emo" years of puberty and then I'm pretty sure they won't let me take their picture at all.
I guess I'll just have to be happy with this.
At 5:26 PM,
Ernesto Burden said…
Amazing... looking at this picture, which has such a sense of the iconic about it, you'd think he's the silly one and she's the serious one... but give them two seconds and the role is completely reversed. Not surprising, since no one in the whole family can make a serious face for more than two seconds at a time -- parents included!
At 7:20 PM,
Anonymous said…
ack! Blogger ate my comment twice!
Anyway...they are too cute, but good luck achieving THAT lofty goal. Sofia already looks like an emo teenager here, she is TROUBLE! ;)
At 10:35 AM,
Flea said…
Heeeyyy stanger, how are you?
thanks for popping by my bloggy again, been awhile we visited.
Wow, look how big the kids are?
All well in Perth, hope the same in your part of the world.
At 5:09 PM,
calibosmom said…
I usually get the "too big" smile or my youngest is half way out of the picture because he decided at the last second he doesn't want his picture taken. Your kiddos are really cute but I know how you feel..."Just keep it in your mouth, just once!"
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